My world slows down at this time..

Yesterday was Palm Sunday, the start of the Lenten Season. Christians all over the world celebrated and re-enacted the spiritual day with various customs and traditions.

Here in Kuwait, churches and houses of prayers were filled with the faithful. Fellow Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) flocked and earnestly participated in the joyful rites.

As a provincial young girl, Lent for me was the time of the year when I would be able to hear The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ (Pabasa) in a sing-song manner, dutifully read by elder women of the community. It usually starts on Holy Monday and ends on Holy Wednesday before the procession. There was also an abundance of refreshments served and of course, your girls like me were always in attendance.

As I grew older, church activities kept me busy during Holy Week and it felt like school days never ended because I was still able to be with my school friends from high school.

Now that I am an expatriate here in Kuwait, an OFW blogger, Lent is a time for me to pause and reflect on the past year behind me, the present time I am in, and the future I am looking forward to.

“May we all feel blessed and loved ever more by the Almighty as He gave His only begotten Son for the good of mankind.”




The Compassionate Ministrations of the Filipino Association of Secretaries of Employment Agencies in Kuwait (FIL-ASEAK)

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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor
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