Reflection Holy Week 2016

Sanctify them by the truth, Your Word is Truth. -- John 17:17
Sanctify them by the truth, Your Word is Truth. — John 17:17


I’ve been working and living in the host country, Kuwait for quite several years now and I have gotten used to how the Christian holy season of Lent is being observed. Being a predominantly Muslim country, there are no exact rules about Lent. It is up to the Christian expatriate how to observe Lent.

Churches celebrate Palm Sunday with Masses. But Sunday here is the first day of work for the week and usually, Christian expats attend Mass and other religious services only after their work hours. Holy Monday to Maundy Thursday are regular working days. Friday is off day but sometimes, when duty calls at work, expats are required to work even during Good Friday.

Some expats have off day on Saturday so they can attend church activities pertaining to Holy Week. Easter Sunday is celebrated with Masses and expats attend after office hours.

As Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), we are still grateful that we are allowed to attend Holy Masses and other church activities but Holy Week here is very, very different from the way it is venerated back home in the Philippines.

How do I observe Holy Week then? Everyday, I light a candle and pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance. Some of my prayers have been answered since middle of 2015 and until now, answers to my prayers keep coming, although difficulties are present too.

I continue to give thanks and pray that I may live accordingly guided by this supplication

” Lord, grant me Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can and Wisdom to know the difference”.


Must Share and Read !


Angels in disguise Series: Ms. Glenn Caduada Untal

Case of Michelle Daguplo

An invitation to share my skills

My duty as a Filipino and an OFW


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Understanding Diarynigracia (DNG) Website: A Guide Through DNG Documentation (For Information Purposes Only)

Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

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