4 Magic Sleep-Enhancing Tips to have a Productive Day

Having a good sleep is important for people of all ages. By getting enough sleep, you are allowing the body to heal the damaged cells, recover energy from the day’s activities, and boost the immune system.

4 Magic Sleep-Enhancing Tips to have a Productive Day


Having a good sleep is important for people of all ages. By getting enough sleep, you are allowing the body to heal the damaged cells, recover energy from the day’s activities, and boost the immune system. Also, the brain performs better if you’ve had enough rest the day before.

For us who are working abroad, we may not have enough time to sleep as much as other people do. But do you know what really happens when you refuse to give yourself a good eight hours of sleep? You may feel tired or moody during the daytime. You will crave unhealthy foods which cause us to gain more weight. And lastly, you will find it hard to absorb new information at work or remembering things.

Unfortunately, there are some who find it hard to fall asleep due to various reasons. Fear not, because the secrets to having a good quality sleep will now be revealed!



1. Create a schedule.     

You should set a specific time for yourself if you want your body to rest well. Not only that your body will be used to it, but it also disciplines you to stay away from temptations at night. Say, if you go to bed at different times, you can change it to sleeping at 10 pm sharp.  We can use our phone and latest app to schedule our sleep and nap time.


2.  Try to lessen the cup of coffee you consume every day.

As you all know, coffee wakes up the mind and make you more active. If possible, try to cut down on your daily coffee intake. If you drink four to five cups of coffee a day, try to keep it at two to three cups only. Despite being a good energizer, it also increases your irritability and anxiety.  Also, don’t drink alcohol before going to sleep and other fruit juices.


Sure, there are some who drinks wine before hitting the hay, but there are also other people who do more than that. Alcohol makes us sleep, but it also causes a hangover the next morning. You won’t be able to focus at work because of your headache.   


Our mother is always right about drinking milk before bed, especially if you struggle to fall asleep even after heavy work.  Milk and other dairy products contain an amino acid (which help induce sleep) known as tryptophan. Milk also contains melatonin, a hormone that helps regulates the sleep-wake cycle.


3. Note down any thoughts that you don’t want to forget. 

  1. Before going to sleep, there are times when an idea suddenly pops into your mind that you can’t seem to get rid of. The best thing to do during these situations is to write down the idea in a notebook and just get back to it the next morning. If you can have a good night’s sleep, it will be easier for you to transform the idea that you had into something better.


4. Turn off the lights half an hour before going to bed and gadgets

When you keep the light turned on, your body thinks that it is not the time to be asleep. The brain sends a signal to the body that it is still daytime, so some of us can’t fall asleep. The light also prevents the production of a hormone called melatonin in the body – which is the main reason why you feel drowsy before falling asleep. Don’t put your phone near your bed, let’s admit it: Many of us are addicted to gadgets. You may be unaware, but it consumes a lot more of your times than you think. Not only it prevents you from being close to your loved one, but it also makes it hard for you to sleep. Whenever you think that you are not yet ready to sleep, the smartphones tempt you to surf the internet and browse more sites – and later on, you will realize that you won’t be able to get enough sleep anymore.



At the end of the day, you need to take good care of yourself if you want to give your best shot in everything that you do. Being healthy isn’t only about eating a balanced diet or making time for exercise, it is also about how you let your body to recover from all of your daily activities.



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Thank you.

Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor