11 Wedding Fairs “To Attend or Not To Attend?” With all those things going on for your wedding, the…

11 Wedding Fairs “To Attend or Not To Attend?” With all those things going on for your wedding, the…
10 Wedding Planner/ Wedding Coordinator “To hire or not to hire them?” “A GO OR A NO…hmmmm?” This is…
9 Have an Ocular Visit of the Venue CROSS CHECK “Expectations vs Realities” As you journey towards the big…
8 #WeddingReception “Where the Celebrations Happen“ √ Motif selection The next stage is finding the place for your wedding…
7 #Motifs “Choice of Colors for Your Wedding” When you imagine what your wedding looks like, of course you…
6 #TheOfficiant A Person to Celebrate the Ceremony “Therefore, what God has joined together, Let no one separate.” Mark 10:19…
5 #ChurchVenue Where the Wedding Bells Ring “The perfect spot for your big day.” Selecting a church is such…
4 #TimeAndDate “Your best time of the year.” Now that the kind of wedding – church or civil, priorities…
3 #B-U-D-G-E-T = DreamWeddingDay “Plan, Plan, Plan” A BUDGET is the amount of money set aside for or assigned…
2 #Priorities “Wants vs Needs” Setting your priorities is essential in creating a budget for your wedding. If you…