UAE Exchange Kuwait’s Blood Donation Campaign

Blood donation campaign.

UAE Exchange Kuwait in celebration of its 32nd Founding Anniversary last October 23rd, held a blood donation campaign, with the support of Central Blood Bank Kuwait.

The company’s executives namely; Mr. Pancily Varkey (UAE Exchange Country Head), Mr. Ali Hussan (Public Relations Executive Central Blood Bank Kuwait), Mr. Ramdas Nair (Manager, Corporate Marketing), and Mr. Renjith Pillai (Manager, Retail Marketing) Graced the momentous occasion.

Andrew Elano, Filipino Coordinator expressed his gratitude for the success of the event, “We thank all the communities from the Kuwaiti nationals, expatriate communities, private sectors, business communities and all of those have shared their time, effort and presence, to make the blood donation campaign a success.”

Mr. Elano’s group also gave different kinds of goodies during that day.

More than 100 company staff participated in the blood donation campaign, showing awareness of the Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility.

“Save a life, give blood” is their slogan and they know that they can make a difference.






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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

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