Category Archives: Tsok

Honoring Mary Grace Icabandi Narido: 3 Ways Her Legacy of Courage and Love Lives On

Mary Grace Icabandi Narido's Legacy

Honoring Mary Grace Icabandi Narido Rest in Peace, Mary Grace Icabandi Narido. Mary Grace, a beloved teacher in Kuwait and…

Handog Aral: Bringing Hope and Empowering Futures

Handog Aral: Bringing Hope and Empowering Futures

Discover how Handog Aral is making a profound impact on underprivileged children in the Philippines by providing vital resources and unwavering support. Learn about our partnerships, programs, and how you can contribute to this life-changing mission.

The Unwavering Dedication of Mr. Nader Sindatoc

The Unwavering Dedication of Mr. Nader Sindatoc

Discover the inspiring journey of Mr. Nader Sindatoc, a passionate hard worker and TSOK member who recently became an LPT. Learn about his dedication, support, and contributions in this letter of appreciation.

The Extraordinary Success of Mr. Abdurahman Abing

Explore Mr. Abdurahman Abing's inspiring journey in education and healthcare. Discover his achievements and leadership during challenging times.

Explore Mr. Abdurahman Abing’s inspiring journey in education and healthcare. Discover his achievements and leadership during challenging times.

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