This is the motto of LightBenders Photography Group in Kuwait. For the past three years that this o" />

The Shining Experience with LightBenders

LightBenders 3rd Anniversary

“Let there be light so they will see the future.” This is the motto of LightBenders Photography Group in Kuwait. For the past three years that this organization has been upholding it, the members can say for themselves that the mission is running, and it starts within the group. I can say this because I witnessed this myself.

Recently, LightBenders celebrated its third anniversary in Hawthorn Hotel, Hawally. I had the privilege to be a VIP in this celebration, in behalf of Consul General Raul Dado, who was supposed to be the guest speaker. Talking in front of these photographers was overwhelming, and I was really honored. I also got the chance to lead the oath taking of the officers. These are the following: Ramil Sunga as President; Roden Quintinio as Vice President; Sol dela Pena as  Secretary; Jes Reyes as Treasurer; Leo Lagaras as Auditor.

LightBenders is composed of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in Kuwait who have passion and definitely skills in photography. I have been acquainted with this group for quite some time now, and I saw how dedicated the members are despite their busy schedules. Up to now, the group is encouraging other OFWs who have the same passion to pursue their dream behind the lens.

Now, I want to take this chance to thank the group, especially President Ramil, for the privilege of being part of their special night. I really hope that they will continue to inspire lots of our kabayan here in Kuwait to pursue their passion even if they are far from their comfort zone.

Congratulations LightBenders!



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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor
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