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October Is Pink Month In Kuwait – Diary Ni Gracia

October is pink month in Kuwait

Kuwait considers October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Kuwait considers October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The month of October is considered Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In Dubai, UAE last month, Joy Alukkas, Chairman and Managing Director of Joyalukkas Jewellery launched the “Think Pink – Self Check Saves Lives” Campaign in cooperation with Zulekha Hospital.

The movement helps to fight breast cancer by encouraging women not only in the UAE, but in all Gulf states and the whole world to do a self check. Educational programs for breast cancer awareness through mass media, distribution of booklets, special awareness programs about early detection of breast cancer, prevention are planned in both government and private sectors.

Here in Kuwait, women patients can seek professional help through female Registered Nurses, Midwives and Obstetrician – Gynecologists in case they have doubts about discovering some symptoms of breast irregularities. However as the old saying goes, “prevention is better than cure” , as women we can start by taking care of ourselves. Healthy eating, clean living, regular exercise and for married women, regular pap smear. Mammography is later advised after further laboratory examinations.


Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

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