The Hopeful Romantic

This 2015, hopeless romantics are not hopeless anymore...they are hopeful!
This 2015, hopeless romantics are not hopeless anymore…they are hopeful!

“You are a hopeless romantic”! That is what most of my good friends tell me. Yes, I am a hopeless romantic and I am proud of that and I know I am not the only one. But how can you tell that a person is a hopeless romantic?

Talking from experience, here’s how;

We brave the torrential rains in our life by knowing that after a heavy downpour, there will be droplets of mist to follow and the next day the sun will cast around its golden rays above the clouds and soon birds will fly freely in every direction. We like to see the beauty in everything no matter how simple and minute it is.

When pain is inflicted upon us mainly because of a heart break, of promises broken by a loved one, we let ourselves feel the pain. We give ourselves a good cry but once we are done with all the tears and hiccups, we look forward to a brand new day. We heal and we are ready to love again.

When we have even the slightest reason to be happy – we go to evanescent heights to show our happiness! We like to shower the world with confetti and glitter as sparkling as crystals! We are not afraid to be called “show offs” because we like to spread happiness all around us.

We love with all our hearts, our minds, our souls and our dreams. Our love becomes the essence of our being, the purpose of our existence. We are not afraid to show how we care and love that special someone. Our hearts flutter, our eyes sparkle, our smiles true and our intentions sincere.

We intend to forgive and forget easily than the others because we choose to see the best in every person. We easily give someone who have hurt us a second chance, maybe a third simply because we love the person.

We like to listen to other’s woes, heartaches and in no time, we offer our advices. We find ourselves fitting in another’s shoe because we are compassionate people. We still like to spread happiness to everyone and be happy for them.

We like to color our world rainbow bright! We believe in magic. We create our own world full of happiness despite the pain and the heartaches. Our emotions give out the best in us. We like to breathe life even in the most hopeless of situations. We believe that our heart was placed below our head so we could feel its beat after beat echoing the song of love.




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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor
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