Establish a Plan
It is always prudent to have a trading or investing strategy. Regarding coping with greed, your system will play an essential function. Your design will likely include an entry price range and a target or market capitalization range. Your pricing range is what will prevent you from becoming too greedy.
For instance, suppose you have researched a firm and want to invest in it. The current price of the company’s shares is Php 2,500. Your entrance price range is Php 2,250 or less, and your goal range is Php 4,000 to Php 4,500. When the stock price goes below Php 2,250, you should buy, but greed creeps in, and you decide to wait for a lower price. Since you have a strategy, you will remember that every price below Php 2,250 is a purchase, preventing you from succumbing to greed. In the future, when the stock price hits Php 4,000 or greater, the same logic applies.
If you ever seek stock market investing advice, having a defined investment strategy should be your priority. You must have a system to base your choices on the design, not your emotions. It is elementary to be influenced by an emotional urge that will distract your focus from your investing strategy and take you down a different path. Here, having a solid investing strategy is essential. You may choose a long-term plan or a short-term profit-seeking purpose depending on your needs and act accordingly.
Consider how much of your portfolio you are prepared to risk on a specific transaction before entering a position. Many traders adhere to the guideline of attempting at most 1 or 2 percent of their account balance. If you have a modest account, you can risk a little more to get a more prominent position. Determine which purchase indications will serve as your go-ahead to begin a trade, and enter only when you see them. The Oracle Scanner from StocksToTrade performs an excellent job of identifying optimal entry and exit positions.
The departure is at least as significant as the entrance. Consider your options if a deal begins to deteriorate. What is your loss limit? When will you leave if things go against you? Now, resolve to go, and do not take it personally. Never engage in emotional trading. Using recognized chart markers such as the day’s low might be a helpful support point for establishing risk. And some resistance levels, such as the day’s high, might serve as promising entry targets.
Know your profit objective as well. Get out of the deal after your aim is reached. Don’t become greedy. Or, you may risk less to perfect your method and prevent your account from being depleted. Regardless, only trade with funds that you can afford to lose. Trading is dangerous!
They don’t have a mentality of getting rich quickly.
The stock market is a terrific place to build money over the long term, so let go of the mentality of “getting rich quickly.” The widespread belief that one may get wealthy overnight by investing in the stock market has wreaked havoc on the general public’s mindset. It has therefore altered our perception of the stock market. Historically, the stock market has provided higher returns than any other investment choice, but this is a gradual process. To multiply your wealth, you must practice patience and allow your investment to expand. Remember that “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Follow your financial strategy without giving in to fear or greed. Let go of the notion of becoming wealthy quickly.
According to a mid-2019 analysis by Credit Suisse, less than 1% of the worldwide population are millionaires. Even if you are fortunate, it is quite improbable that you will join the millionaire club. This is not to dishearten you but to demonstrate that success classes, forex trading, and insanely volatile investments will not make you wealthy, partly because you still need a high level of belief in anything you do for it to provide such extraordinary results. If you invest Php 50,000 in Dogecoin and it appreciates fivefold, you would still only have Php 250,000.
You must be enthusiastic about what will make you wealthy; else, you will not drive to pursue it. Very few individuals are sufficiently moved by the fantasy of money alone; they truly need money. While advertising and marketing may attract these customers, they won’t stick around for long if they’re not generating money. If your only objective is maximizing profit at the most significant risk, you will purchase lottery tickets.
The worst aspect of all this is that by pursuing “get rich fast ideas,” you make yourself a good target for scammers and poor ventures that will often pull the rug out from under you and flee. By seeking financial shortcuts, you are more likely to succumb to these tempting offers that match your mindset. The item you are purchasing is “the fantasy of prosperity.” When you might instead invest that money to increase your fortune.
If you are doing anything monumental, it will NEVER be simple. You will face difficulty, failure, and several setbacks. This is one reason so many individuals fail to achieve much in life. They lack the foresight, discipline, and tenacity to pursue a course of action through its completion.
Here’s something more you must understand. There is no such thing as becoming wealthy quickly in life and business. If it is a viable firm, it will require considerable time and money to expand and flourish, most likely for many years. If you want to get wealthy quickly, you may cash in your life savings and gamble in Las Vegas. But please understand that the chances are stacked against you there as well! Financial success needs a strategy, hard effort, and dedication.$
Track Your Investments
Please keep track of your money: Many would say that after emphasizing patience, we’ve reached the stage of keeping track of your investments. By this, we mean that you must constantly monitor your investment and be able to evaluate it to see if it aligns with your original objectives. Keeping a close eye on your investments and documenting them can assist you in making rational judgments in the future and allow you to control your emotions. In addition, you may adjust your investment portfolio depending on your needs and preferences whenever necessary.
Tracking Your Investments Through
Spreadsheets: Using your spreadsheets, you may monitor your investments by yourself. Excel and Google Sheets, which enable you to modify your spreadsheets to monitor your investments, are the most popular options. This may be more labor-intensive, but it has the extra advantage of being fully customizable and programmable.
Microsoft Excel: is a component of the Microsoft Office suite. Thus you’ll need to acquire Office to have access to Excel. It is a powerful instrument for monitoring your assets.
Google Spreadsheets: is a free online spreadsheet tool that instantly makes it easy to update your papers using data extracted from public finance. In addition, you may view your Google spreadsheets from anywhere in the globe by logging into your Google account.
In addition to helping with investment estimates and predictions, spreadsheets are also beneficial. You may use algorithms to determine dividend income and anticipate investment forecasts. And if you want to retire earlier, you may use your spreadsheets to keep track of your investments and timetable. Spreadsheets are excellent for recording and comparing statistics, even though you must manually enter your financial data into Excel or Google Sheets. Once the figures have been entered into the spreadsheet, you can use formulae to calculate the cumulative value of your investments over time. You will have a convenient record of your investment history. With Respect, Handle the Documents All the paperwork you get from your financial advisor or broker must be properly read and comprehended. Ensure that your account confirmation and statements are correct.
Keep track of communication notes. Brokers are well-educated and possess in-depth investing expertise. Every time you visit with your advisor or broker, be sure to take notes since doing so will assist you in becoming more adept at comprehending complex issues. Account statements and confirmations are sent through direct mail. Even though you will send your account statements and guarantees to your address, it is crucial that your information not be compromised. Avoid storing sensitive information in the Office or public areas of your home. You may create copies of your papers and send them to a trusted someone, such as an accountant, a lawyer, or a family member, so that you may inspect them thoroughly. You must follow up if you still need to receive your confirmations or account statements. There may be a problem if these papers are often delayed or not received.
Solicit till you get it. Ask your advisor or broker to clarify any aspect of your investments that you need help comprehending. Your advisor or broker must be alerted promptly if illegitimate investments show on your account statements or confirmations since this might lead to future issues. Even if you perform most of your transactions offline, an online record of your trades can help you better manage your money.
Be in your Comfort Zone
Everyone is fascinated with achieving objectives and exceeding limitations. Even meditation is employed as a method to enhance our capabilities. Honestly, for fifty percent of my life, I followed the herd. I was goal-oriented, goal-conscious, and a goal medallist. Today, though, I will be different. I will be the one to advise you to stop. Do not engage in war after a battle; you will get exhausted and perish. Stay safe and in your comfort zone for once. Enjoy your life, and work safely and without stress.
In futures, options, and even MCX and bullion markets, individuals may easily earn a fortune overnight utilizing margins; however, the danger of margins is that you can also lose your whole investment overnight. I do not favor trading with margins (See why here). Hence I see no need for Indian Retail Investors to trade futures and options. It may be tempting for me to trade in futures and options since, as a blogger, I ought to know how to trade in futures and options, but I don’t feel confident doing so; therefore don’t.
I see a need for it if they have a portfolio where purchasing cash-segment stocks might cause a stock price increase. I am at a disadvantage when shorting stocks by not trading futures or options. In the cash market, we must accept this reality.
Three reasons for staying in your comfort zone
It would help if you had relaxation and recuperation time. You must restore your energy and composure if you have overcome multiple comfort zone problems. Multiple wins against life’s obstacles may be intellectually and physically draining. Before intending to pursue another objective, give yourself a rest. You are not a machine. Look for yourself.
Honor your milestones. Reward yourself by commemorating your success. Appreciate the drum roll when you achieve a life objective. Take photographs with rainbow confetti and save them in your memory.
Take your time pursuing another goal; you’ve just reached your target. This is my favorite and what persuaded me to appreciate my comfort zone. I’ve considered this a thousand times, and I stick by it.
Standing in your comfort zone entails doing acts to which you are accustomed. Therefore, you possess the necessary skills and knowledge. Your actions are easy. Why not share the information you have gathered over the years? Share with as many others as possible. You will be able to bless more people with less work and no worry. Instead of hurrying to add impressive-sounding achievements to your name, offer them a piece of yourself. You may discover happiness comparable to mine.
Even if I get inquiries about futures and options, such as projecting stock market movement based on open interest or call-to-put ratio, in my email, I inform them that I do not trade futures or options, nor do I utilize futures data to anticipate market movement. As a result, someone other than me may be the best person to answer your query, although I can do the calculations; moreover, I do not engage in trading using these signals.
Lock your Profits
Locking in profits refers to realizing previously unrealized gains in an asset by selling all or a part of the holdings. When an investor retains an open position, unrealized or paper profits or losses may accumulate until the position is liquidated. A case in point is when an investor with a long asset position may lock in gains by selling their position at a profit. This eliminates their vulnerability to changes in the underlying.
Often referred to as “realization” or “taking money off the table.”
Until you lock in your earnings, you are just receiving paper gains. It may ascend or descend. However, if you are pleased with your earnings, consider locking in part of them. The paper gain will only become guaranteed earnings at that point. Keep in mind that no one ever goes bankrupt, locking in gains. Locking in your earnings too early will not lead to wealth. It would help if you balanced grabbing profits and allowing winners to run.
Historically, investors utilize a stop loss to safeguard their original Investment if the market goes against them. Essentially, the amount they are willing to speculate in the markets is a negative figure. There is a straightforward technique to benefit from winning deals without losing any of your initial Investment. When your trade swings considerably into profit, you may “lock in” a portion of your winnings by shifting the stop loss into profit (a positive number).
Traders and investors may lock in gains for various reasons, but risk reduction is typical.
To maintain a diversified portfolio, long-term investors may lock in earnings. For instance, an investor may have begun with a portfolio evenly split across five funds. If a fund outperforms its peers, its portfolio allocation might increase from 20% to 30%, exposing the investor to more risk. The investor may lock in a part of the outperforming fund’s gains and shift the proceeds to the other four funds to maintain an optimal portfolio allocation that minimizes risk and maximizes profits.
Traders with a short-term horizon often lock in winnings to earn revenue and reduce risk. For instance, a trader may establish a long position following a strong earnings report with many price objectives. After the stock meets the first price goal, the trader may lock in gains on one-third of the position and hold the other two-thirds until a higher price objective is achieved. In this manner, the trader takes some money off the table and reduces their risk should the stock suddenly decline.
Here are a few basic guidelines to do:
- Conduct a trend analysis and determine the trade’s direction and length.
- Wait till the Investment generates a substantial return.
- Determine the amount to safeguard
- Avoid putting the stop loss too close to the current market price to allow for appropriate market retracements.
- Refrain from second-guessing yourself by repositioning your stop loss to a negative value.
- If the trend continues in your favor, advance your stop loss to a larger positive number (a manual trailing stop).
If the trend continues in your turn, you should also move your “take profit” farther out to lock in further possible winnings. Trading requires time, patience, and discipline.
Invest in Your Education
When an investment is riding, and you are unprepared to record gains, greed begins to set in. Each day, you evaluate the profitability of your deal and consider letting the profit ride for one more day. Do you believe anybody can sell the shares in such a state of mind? I don’t think so because selling the next day will always be profitable as it continues to rise. The day the ride stops, the feeling to sell will be too uneasy, and often the belief that this is just a mild correction and there is still more upside comes into play, resulting in a no-profit, no-loss situation for the stock.
The let-the-profit ride mentality occurs when you need help identifying more investing possibilities. There is no wrong in letting a profit run, but we must follow a trailing stop-loss method to maximize the trade. Additionally, if such options arise often, you will be more eager to record a profit.
If you depend on people to do a task for you, you will more often than not do it incorrectly, and if everything goes as planned, greed may set in.
The nice thing about the stock market is that nobody knows all there is to know about it. Even Warren Buffet, the Oracle of Omaha, reads daily and talks about being a lifelong learner. Learn how the market operates, its fundamental and technical features, strategies, and trends. Thus, when it comes to decision-making, you may rely on your expertise rather than your emotional instinct. The conduct of firm leaders has a significant impact on the conduct of workers. When managers engage in conversation with their employees, employees feel heard and are thus more motivated to provide fresh ideas.
Establish a learning-friendly culture and recognize the personal and professional advantages of extra training, and you will prepare your staff for action. Every year, fewer businesses choose conventional offsite/in-person training. In reality, this training requires a substantial amount of time with little evidence of its long-term effects on the job. To move towards an “always-learning” culture, L&D departments should provide eLearning courses, online videos, and other on-demand tools so workers can study on demand.
Corporate learning is evolving to provide on-demand, around-the-clock access. Modern workers anticipate access to training whenever and wherever it is required. The ideal circumstances for the application and integration of learning are created when mobile learning courses are available 24/7 on students’ mobile devices. According to neuroscientists, this is a more efficient method of learning and information retention since it enables workers to seek and obtain solutions when needed.
When we share our expertise and use best practices, we continue to learn even after completing a training course. The most incredible way for your students to learn is to ask questions, debate topics, share ideas, and teach what they know. Students’ critical thinking abilities are enhanced when they actively participate in the process of engaging with others to investigate a learning topic. Encourage the use of social media after online events to investigate a range of viewpoints on the issue to put humanity’s inherent propensity for social interaction to work. Link to films and blog postings that provide insightful information.
Risk is in the Market
The stock market is highly active and ever-changing; thus, the risk is inherent. People need to foresee the market properly and consistently. There may be times when the stock market performs poorly, causing you to lose value on your investment. These things are unavoidable, and few people can avoid them. This is why you need a plan before anything else. Because you can prepare your approach and respond to any potential threats or crashes, thus, your fear instinct will not be able to influence your decision-making.
Challenges and hazards are unavoidable components of a business. These risks and obstacles range from financial to technological to political policy. Business risks are unexpected and might result in financial losses. Even if your business strategy is quite solid, the risk might materialize, impeding your company’s growth. A firm’s operation requires an understanding of the risks and threats it will encounter. By grasping the notion of risk in business, you will be better prepared to assume the responsibilities of managing a company.
Business risk is an activity connected with the potential for unanticipated losses.
Various elements, such as management, firm processes, and ineffective initiatives, might threaten a corporation. Moreover, human and employee factors may potentially pose threats to a firm.
Classification of Risk
At least two forms of corporate losses are caused by speculative risk and pure risk. To comprehend the nature of each danger, please read on.
Speculative Risk
An example is the danger of overproduction, which may lead to losses (losses) or profit gains (profits). A speculative risk is a form of risk that, if realized, may or may not result in losses (losses) (no loss).
For instance, there is a risk of loss if the corporation invests by purchasing stocks. After some time, firms whose shares are acquired incur losses and drops in corporate value, causing the value of investments to decline and resulting in losses.
Pure risk
If it happens, it is a kind of risk that would result in losses but will not result in losses if it does not occur. Examples include fires, accidents, earthquakes, erupting mountains, floods, and landslides.
For instance, if a restaurant suffers a fire, it will almost probably incur property damage damages. After then, the restaurant was either temporarily or permanently closed for repairs and restoration.
Some potential dangers associated with economic activity. Next, a discussion of the definition and kinds of business risks; the following part examines the many forms of business hazards. Due to the growth of business risks connected to vital aspects of your company development, it would be beneficial to have business risks to establish a firm. You should be aware of the following six categories of company risks: financial risk, production risk, marketing risk, technological risk, market demand risk, and government risk.
Follow Single Strategy
If you purchase what I tell you to buy, you don’t know why you should be purchasing, and if that stock does not perform as you had hoped, you maintain it as your investment because you’ve determined that the firm is fantastic.
A trading strategy is a predetermined plan for selling and buying stocks that are intended to make a profit. It should be objective, consistent, quantitative, measurable, and verifiable. The method is based on fundamental or technical analysis to prevent systemic risks from having catastrophic repercussions on financial instruments. When developing a trading strategy, traders should establish attainable objectives. A trading strategy outlines the techniques for purchasing and selling assets, including bonds, stocks, futures, options, and FTEs. An investor collaborates with a broker-dealer to choose successful trading items and manage trading operations while developing a trading strategy.
Once a trading strategy has been developed and implemented, the trader observes the markets and maintains trading positions to ensure they are consistent with the plan. The trading strategy monitors the investor’s portfolio’s risks, returns, and effects of current transactions.
Fundamental and technical trading techniques
Most trading methods are based on technical or fundamental research and are guided by measurable and verifiable market data. Typically, strategies that depend on technical indicators concentrate on market strikes and their changes. For instance, using a technical hand such as a moving average, one may create a trading strategy in which a short-term moving average crosses below or above a long-term moving average.
Fundamental trading techniques, like technical trading strategies, depending on essential considerations. A design may be based on criteria such as profitability and revenue growth to establish a succession of trading opportunities.
Quantitative trading approach. The quantitative trading approach determines whether to purchase or sell a particular asset by assessing the available information. While the strategy looks similar to technical trading, it uses a more significant matrix to determine whether to sell or buy than technical trading. Market inefficiencies are shown using major data elements, including price, regression, and trading ratios.
When you purchased it, you did not do it because it was a fantastic firm but because you had trading levels and goals in mind. There is a distinct technique for acquiring exceptional businesses. When trading, you buy low and sell high, but when investing, you purchase when you perceive value in the firm and stay engaged for at least three to five years since the business may turn around.
There are various tactics on the market, and if your plan is successful, you should remain with it; otherwise, you should stick with a strategy that has worked for others and attempt to imitate it. If you are uncomfortable with a practical approach but not to your liking, look for something with which you are more at ease. Trading techniques in investing are used to achieve consistent outcomes and avoid behavioral financial biases. Traders have the option of using either discretionary trading or automated trading. The trader does discretionary trading, which involves a significant level of discipline since traders may be tempted to break from the plan.
On the other hand, automated trading employs sophisticated computer modeling methods to automate a portion or the whole of the investor’s portfolio. Compared to discretionary trading, automated trading provides traders with an advantage in trade execution, allowing them to choose a cautious or aggressive trading technique.
Be in the Market to Loose Money
You may have heard that 90% of investors lose money in the stock market. This relates to those who engage in uninformed day trading rather than those who invest for the long run.
Whether or not this is factual, many individuals indeed make expensive errors while investing in the stock market. Many reasons may be apparent, but they are also simple to ignore or forget, particularly for novice investors. Even if you modify your technique and thinking, you should anticipate periodic losses due to economic or market fluctuations. Having stated that, let’s examine why individuals lose money in the stock market. One of the most fortunate investors on the planet made this comment. He is the greatest at locating companies and investing as cheaply as possible, but he advises avoiding the market if you feel uncomfortable when your stock falls by 50%. So consider traders.
I see the situation differently. If you make a transaction in the market, you will incur brokerage, STT, and other fees. However, if you create a Demat account, you will only be required to pay an annual maintenance cost. Thus, you are in a position to lose money. You must ensure that you can recoup these expenses from the market. Therefore, if you develop a mentality for losing money, hitting a stop loss will not bother you. Often, I do not launch a trade despite a great pattern that I am comfortable trading because the stop loss is too high, and I am not willing to lose the amount for a minor gain, or because I am not happy with the ROI (Return on investment), and so I let the trade pass. Imagine that the firm in which you invested declares bankruptcy. What are your alternatives? It is possible to safeguard your money even if the firm declares bankruptcy. Equities decline for several reasons, such as poor profits, an SEC inquiry, FDA rejection, a change in management, or bankruptcy. I have seen stocks drop 80 to 90 percent in minutes. In stocks, there are Long and Short positions. Suppose you hold long places and the stock price rises, you profit. Suppose you have short positions and the stock price declines, you profit.
Which alternatives do you have? I would compare the phrase “option” to auto insurance. You might file a claim with your insurance company for the value of your vehicle if it was damaged in an accident. Like auto insurance, this option enables you to sell your shares at the strike price if their value falls by at least 90% for any reason. Essentially, you lost only the insurance payout.
Anybody Can Be Wrong
The stock market consists of complicated technology, financial specialists, and investors. Among the most esteemed professionals on Wall Street are the research analysts who spend their days investigating stock market prospects. These analysts earn a living by expressing their predictions for the future. Many novice investors make investment choices without research, even though they know that research is the foundation of successful investing. In terms of market forecasting, everybody is susceptible to error. Even Warren Buffet acknowledged some of his investing mistakes. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with committing these errors, but if you continue to do so often, they cease to be errors and become habits. Therefore, if you write down your trades together with a remark about that specific trade or a cause for the loss or profit, you are more likely to discover what works for you and what does not, allowing you to work on things that do not work for you and trade with what does.
I attempted other investment strategies, such as purchasing cheap and selling high. Still, I was unable to hang on to my stocks as they continued to decrease, so this approach did not suit my personality. As I recorded information, I was able to examine what works for my thinking and find a solution that complements my approach. With the ability to predict the future, it is possible to time the peak or bottom of a stock. However, timing the peak or trough is what contributes to greed. When greedy, you want to purchase at the bottom and sell at the high. Once you acknowledge that you cannot time the peak and bottom, greed will have less influence. Add to it your strategy, and your actions should be independent of greed.
I recorded the following, and as I built my tactics for what works for me and what doesn’t, I often referred to my notes to determine why I earned or lost money. I thought more often about why I lost it, and I avoided making similar errors again once I understood why. With forecasts of profits per share, sales, and share price, as well as evaluations from research experts, many newbies feel the research groundwork has been done for them and decide to invest in any company analysts consider a good investment opportunity. There are several advantages to investigating investing prospects on your own rather than simply following experts. While research analysts are highly compensated professionals with a propensity for making stock market selections, their views are sometimes unreliable as a foundation for objective investment decisions.
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A multi-award-winning blogger and advocate for OFWs and investment literacy; recipient of the Mass Media Advocacy Award, Philippine Expat Blog Award, and Most Outstanding Balikbayan Award. Her first book, The Global Filipino Bloggers OFW Edition, was launched at the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait. A certified Registered Financial Planner of the Philippines specializing in the Stock Market. A recognized author of the National Book Development Board of the Philippines. Co-founder of Teachers Specialist Organization in Kuwait (TSOK) and Filipino Bloggers in Kuwait (FBK). An international member of writing and poetry. Published more than 10 books. Read more: About DiaryNiGracia
Peace and love to you.