Saint Rita of Cascia Intercession

Intercession of Saint Rita of Cascia
Saint Rita of Cascia, patroness of the hopeless and impossible cases.
Saint Rita of Cascia, patroness of the hopeless and impossible situations.


In my years of stay in Kuwait, I have been fortunate to meet people from all walks of life. Being an OFW blogger has given me the chance as well to be friends with others whom I have developed strong friendship.

I have on older friend back home in the Philippines, who has introduced me to different provincial churches and I have always asked her to include me in spirit, in thoughts, in prayers, whenever she attends Holy Mass or makes church visits.

Every May 22nd is the Feast Day of Saint Rita of Cascia and in the town of Santa Rita, in Pampanga, my older friend prayed for my intentions and what happened? I received one of the most wonderful blessings in my life, so far. It has something to do with “our” Road 30.

Meeting of my Nanay together with Mommy Sally and sis Lhen. While “we” are here in Kuwait, our families met warmly and full of understanding for each other. I believe that this blessing was granted thru the intercession of Saint Rita of Cascia.

“Where there is great love, there are always miracles” — Willa Cather

Must Share and Read !


Angels in disguise Series: Ms. Glenn Caduada Untal

Case of Michelle Daguplo

An invitation to share my skills

My duty as a Filipino and an OFW



Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor