A new place called HOME for my fellow OFW who are up to Investment.
It was only this July 13; my mother died, the world was falling apart, together with my net worth that was taking a beating. An experience same with almost some of our fellow kababayans, helping and extending our both hands to our family, that is still not enough after all. She suffered almost four years of Kidney failure turn Dialysis and even all of us children who give “ ALL –IN” to extend the life of our beloved mother, especially ME who gave almost my life to help and sustain her need.
In my realization, while standing beside her death bed, it is so sad to have an unprepared life in old age; no life insurance, health cards, properties, mutual bonds, stocks, as in no investment, but only children as the portfolio, diversified to each child, not properly set up. Being the eldest child, I accepted this fact as part of our culture as well to help and extend our both hands to our love ones.
After all, I had spent an almost decade as OFW working as Digital Marketing Specialist, invested and saved aggressively. At an early age of Twenties been already an aggressive investor, experiencing greatest losses in yield, but through this, in fact, I become more and more aggressive investor.
Only after my mother’s burial, it comes to emerged in me that I was broken when she left, become more lonely in the next months. This has been really really hard for someone like me who fights for her life as a daughter and an OFW.
Everyone in the family is struggling to take it in, but at least she is finally at rest with her mother now, our grandmother.
I’ve shut out all my doors and done my recollection and family retreat.
Around 2:30 am on July 13, 2016, Alone in dialysis room, standing beside her checking all the vital signs if it became normal. As I approached the nurse, after she examined all the apparatus attached to her (sorry but I am crying by this moment while typing and remembering all of this sad moments), the nurse said, all the vital signs were normal, despite she was announced comatose, despite the Doctor told me she has number of days only to live and advise us if we want too, we can bring her home, but as for me, no any normal human being will want to suffer their love one to die in their hands due to removal of apparatus from hospital.
As I become closer to her body and see her suffering so much that it’s so hard to detail here, I embrace her, hold her hand lovingly, I say a prayer for her, had vowed that I will take care the family, thanking her and that we will prosper in Jesus name and to Heavenly Father.
Under all of these situation I realized what is the real need of all OFW and it is FINANCIAL PLANNING AND INVESTMENT DIVERSIFICATION.
AGAIN, I wanted to thank all people who touched us beyond words by their outpouring love; you know who you are.
Must Share and Read !
Angels in disguise Series: Ms. Glenn Caduada Untal
Case of Michelle Daguplo
An invitation to share my skills
My duty as a Filipino and an OFW

A multi-award-winning blogger and advocate for OFWs and investment literacy; recipient of the Mass Media Advocacy Award, Philippine Expat Blog Award, and Most Outstanding Balikbayan Award. Her first book, The Global Filipino Bloggers OFW Edition, was launched at the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait. A certified Registered Financial Planner of the Philippines specializing in the Stock Market. A recognized author of the National Book Development Board of the Philippines. Co-founder of Teachers Specialist Organization in Kuwait (TSOK) and Filipino Bloggers in Kuwait (FBK). An international member of writing and poetry. Published more than 10 books. Read more: About DiaryNiGracia
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