A place where I seek refuge..


A place where I seek refuge, Monasterio de Sta. Clara del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus in Betis, Guagua, Pampanga, Philippines.

As an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) here in Kuwait, I have brought my faith in God with me when I first came to this Gulf State. I am also understanding of the different churches of Christianity here that help sustain fellow OFWs’ and expatriates’ spirituality, as I am likewise recognizing our Muslim brothers.

Recently, I have been introduced to the Monasterio de Sta. Clara del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus (Poor Clare Monastery of the Sacred Heart) in Betis, Guagua, Pampanga, a monastery of cloistered nuns, through an older friend, a place to seek refuge. This friend of mine has been regularly attending early morning Saturday Mass and since then, I have asked her for some favors.

Mass offerings, prayer requests, thanksgiving..all of these I have sent to the Poor Clares of Betis, through my friend. I may physically be far from this solemn place, but I could feel that my prayers have been answered and that I am continuously being guided by the Almighty through his humble servant Saint Clare of Assisi.

Monasterio de Sta. Clara del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus is located in Betis, a town within the town of Guagua in Pampanga. The monastery is bordered by barangays San Agustin, Sta. Ines and Sta.Ursula.


The Monastery chapel.










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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor
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