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Do You Wanna Know My SECRET? – Diary Ni Gracia

Do you wanna know my SECRET?

I have this movie that I’ve been wanting to share to all of you, kabayan. A film which I’ve watched more than 20 times now, plus its audio. The movie that I’m talking about is The Secret.

“The secret is the answer to all that has been all this is and all that will be” Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882

The film was written by Ms. Rhonda Byrne and runs for  about 87 mins. long.

To me, this film is like a documentary that has a series of interviews from professionals and authors, and was designed to show that everything is possible by staying positive and that you can actually acquire the things you want by believing. A major part of this film was to present and teach the “Law of Attraction”.

What exactly is the Law Of Attraction? I personally don’t know anything about it until I’ve watched The Secret, Law of Attraction simply says that when you think something bad will happen, it will happen because how we feel and how we think can attract what will happen next. This film also has a book which I’ve already read.

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.” -BUDDHA. This is one of the famous quotes in the movie and I totally agree with it.  We are the creator of our own reality, so why do we have to think things negatively? If we all ever wanted is to have a good life. As my years being an OFW in Kuwait, I’ve experienced hardships, trials, depression, doubts and so on. Thank God! I’ve found out about The Secret, because I’ve also learned that even though I had these negative things surrounding me, feeling negative and down won’t solve any problem. And what a better way to start being successful is to start believing and motivating yourself more.  This is especially good for us, OFWs to help us attain our goals and have a continuously healthy mind.

I personally suggest, kabayan that you watch this movie not just because it’s inspiring but this is also good for self-improvement.

Overall, The Secret serves as an excellent film and shares a powerful message to it’s viewers.


Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

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