Year 2014 of Diary ni Gracia

Thank you dear Diary ni Gracia readers for being with me all through Year 2014!
Thank you dear Diary ni Gracia readers for being with me all through Year 2014!

Today is the last page of Year 2014 and as I look back how it has been for me here in Kuwait, I want to share my thoughts with you, dear Diary ni Gracia readers.

Before January 2014 ended, a trusted assistant had to resign from her post because she was overwhelmed by overlapping schedule; she is a mother, a wife and a business person so even if it was difficult for me to accept, I had to understand her situation. “If it is any consolation she told me, I will always be your friend.” Thankful to the Lord for her.

Not too long then, I received two applicants, single, pretty, working young ladies. A bit of training here and there and they were both set to go. Seeing how their work progresses daily, it brings a smile to my face knowing that they are learning, earning extra and satisfying my expectations of them and their output. They too have become like my younger sisters.

Kuwait has opened new doors for me this year. This host country has strengthened my friendships with a few, but trusted and very true friends who literally moved heaven and earth just to protect me and keep me safe. Little by little, Kuwait has given me back the confidence to trust people and situations.

My posts included simple things like my stress relievers after a long day here in Kuwait, to advices and tips, to information, to going back and picking up the pieces of my almost shattered advocacy for fellow Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs).

My family and loved ones back home in the Philippines still need my assistance and they are my source of strength to carry on and move forward. Nanay is still sick but daily in my prayers, I am hoping for a miracle.

Oh yes, Kuwait has given me an inspiration too. A very special friend who understands both of my independence and my side that needs nurturing and heart warming treatment.

Most importantly, thank you so much dear Diary ni Gracia readers for always making your presence felt, for taking time and effort to read my blog, for sharing your thoughts as well. Today, make page 365 of your book of life worth remembering. Happy New Year and God bless us all !!!




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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

12 thoughts on “Year 2014 of Diary ni Gracia

  1. Avatar
    Yvonne Bertoldo says:

    Thanks to you as well. 🙂 Even if we’re just doing this simple comment exchange twice a week, I had known you through reading your posts. ^^ It was so much fun and I’m looking forward to reading more of your post this 2015. Happy new year! 🙂

  2. Avatar
    Liz says:

    You know I always admire people who choose to work abroad. It takes a lot of courage and strength to do that especially since you have to start again somewhere new and far. I hope this 2015 will be another good year for you. 🙂

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