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A Journey of Faith and Community: 5 Transformative Moments That Shaped the Christian Challenge Outreach Ministry Kuwait

Faith in Christian Challenge Outreach Ministry Kuwait

A Journey of Faith and Community in the Christian Challenge Outreach Ministry Kuwait

On February 14, 2010, a day often associated with love, our family had something even more special planned—a dinner date that would forever change our lives. The evening began simply enough, but God had more in store. We received a message encouraging us to bring along some dear friends, disciples we had been guiding.

With only 20 KD in my pocket, we found ourselves at the Sisig restaurant in Kuwait City. When we arrived, we were surprised to see a buffet laid out before us. My immediate reaction was one of concern—I didn’t have enough money to pay for it. But then, the owner approached us and said something that I will never forget: “Libre po yan, bigay ng Diyos sa inyo.”

At that moment, I knew this was God’s hand at work, providing not just for our physical needs but for something far greater. Little did we know, this would be the start of something much greater—a place where a community of believers would grow and serve one another in faith. What started as a simple meal would become the seed of a new journey, a mission that would soon unfold in miraculous ways.

It was in that small, humble setting where our church was born. I vividly remember receiving the Word of God that night. The message pierced my heart, stirring something deep within: “This is a Christian challenge. Winning is nothing if you lose your soul.” These words reverberated through me, making me realize that our journey was not just about winning in life, but about ensuring our souls remained anchored in Christ.

Later, I had a dream—a vision of a cross, which would later become the logo for our growing church. The cross, a symbol of sacrifice and hope, became the foundation upon which our community would build its faith. What began as a small group of believers meeting in Kuwait City blossomed into a thriving church that reached beyond our expectations.

Farwaniya: A Place of New Beginnings

From that first gathering, God moved in ways we could never have anticipated. Our first formal church meeting was in Farwaniya, a place that now holds countless memories of faith, growth, and community. In those early days, we were few, but our hearts were full of passion for God. Each person who joined us was seeking more than just fellowship—they were seeking God’s love, and they found it in our midst.

Faith in Christian Challenge Outreach Ministry Kuwait

As the church grew, so did our understanding of our mission. We realized that God was calling us not just to meet together, but to reach out and help those in need. In Kuwait, far from our homeland, many of us experienced loneliness, hardship, and the challenges of life abroad. God opened our eyes to the needs of the people around us—our brothers and sisters in Christ, and even those who had yet to know Him.

We knew that this church was not about us. It was about serving others in the name of Jesus. And so, with hearts full of compassion, we began to extend our hands to those who required them the most—whether it was through spiritual guidance, financial assistance, or simply a word of encouragement. The church became a beacon of hope for many, a place where people could experience God’s love in tangible ways.

The Mission and Vision

From the very start, our church was built on three core values, each inspired by the Word of God:

  1. Love God – Rooted in the Great Commandment, we are called to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37). Everything we do as a church begins with this central truth. Loving God is our highest priority, and it fuels all our other actions.
  2. Love People – This embodies the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), where Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of all nations. Our church is committed to loving people the way Christ loves us. Whether in Kuwait or beyond, we are dedicated to sharing the gospel and helping others experience the transformative power of God’s love.
  3. Help People to Love God – As Galatians 6:2 teaches us, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Our mission is to come alongside others, helping them grow in their faith and walk with God. We believe in the power of community and accountability, and we strive to be a church that supports each person on their spiritual journey.

These three principles—Love God, Love People, Help People to Love God—guide everything we do. They are the heartbeat of our church and the foundation of our mission.

Gratitude for the Journey

Looking back, I am filled with immense gratitude for the journey God has taken us on. From a small dinner gathering with an unexpected blessing to a thriving church community, every step has been orchestrated by His grace. He has used us in ways we never imagined, allowing us to be a blessing to others even as we ourselves have been blessed.

God’s Word has been our constant guide, His love our unfailing source of strength. We have seen lives transformed, hope restored, and faith renewed. And through it all, we have been reminded that this is not our story—it is God’s story, and we are simply privileged to play a part in it.

Faith in Christian Challenge Outreach Ministry Kuwait

As we continue this journey, our mission remains clear: to love God, to love people, and to help people love God. We believe that, as we remain faithful to this calling, God will continue to use our church to bring His light and love to the world.

In Philippians 4:8-9, we are reminded, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things… And the God of peace will be with you.” This is the heart of our church, and with God’s guidance, we will continue to share His peace and love with all who seek it.

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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

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