Category Archives: Filipino

The Two Very Surprising Reasons Why OFWs Want to Work in Kuwait

The Two Very Surprising Reasons Why OFWs Want to Work in Kuwait Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) are known for their…

Surprising Facts About Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in Kuwait

Surprising Facts About Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in Kuwait Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) play a significant role in the global…

Your Practical Guide for Ilokana Women’s Organization in Kuwait (IWOK)

Your Practical Guide for IWOK The Ultimate Directory for Ilokana Women’s Organization in Kuwait (IWOK) is an invaluable resource dedicated…

Discover the Heartfelt Journey of Diary ni Gracia YouTube: A Beacon of Hope and Inspiration for OFWs

Discover the Heartfelt Journey of Diary ni Gracia: A Beacon of Hope and Inspiration for OFWs

Discover Diary ni Gracia, a YouTube channel dedicated to Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs). Explore real-life OFW experiences, financial investment tips, career development advice, and motivational content to inspire and support you.

FilCom: Uniting the Filipino Community In Kuwait and Strengthening Bonds

FilCom: Uniting the Filipino Community In Kuwait and Strengthening Bonds

Discover the vibrant community of the Coalition of Filipino Community (FilCom) Organizations in Kuwait, fostering unity and support among OFWs through events and volunteerism.

Filipino Professionals in Kuwait: Empowering OFW Professional Growth

Filipino Professionals in Kuwait: Empowering Professional Growth

Since its establishment in 2016, Filipino Professionals in Kuwait has evolved into a vital institution for Filipino professionals striving for…

Global Movers Express: Trustworthy Cargo Services for OFWs in Kuwait

Global Movers Express Cover

Discover reliable cargo services with Global Movers Express—your trusted partner for shipping Balikbayan boxes from Kuwait to the Philippines.

The Chartering of Kuwait Sandugo Eagles Club

The Chartering of Kuwait Sandugo Eagles Club

On November 10, 2023, the Millennium Hotel & Convention Center in Salmiya, Kuwait, was abuzz with excitement and anticipation with…

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