Category Archives: OFW

Happy Birthday, Pres. Mae

    Mae Ortiz, President Elect of BisDak Kuwait Chapter is one of the most natural persons I know. Although…

PSME Kuwait starts review classes for SPLBE 2016

The Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers (PSME) Kuwait Chapter has started review classes for the coming Special Professional Licensure Board…

Happy Birthday, Sir Labor Attache Chavez

  Filipinos in Kuwait are fortunate to have many leaders who look after the welfare of OFWs here. One of…

Emcee duty for PSME Kuwait at Satchi

Being an honorary member of the Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers (PSME) Kuwait Chapter, I try to arrange my schedule…

Enjoying Kuwait’s Food Festival 2016

  Since I came here several years ago, one thing that captures my heart about Kuwait is the gastronomic experience…

The Memorable Get together IWOK and FILCOM BOD

  The Get together The recently concluded get-together of the Ilokana Women’s Organization in Kuwait (IWOK) and the Filipino Community…