Myla’s Inspiring World


Name: Myla Villanueva-Okinari

Url Address:

Twitter: mylavokinari


Fan Page: Myla’s Daily Thoughts

or other social network not mention above.

Philosophy in life:

I’m not a RIGHTist nor a LEFTist but I could be the RIGHTeous who’d help those who were LEFT behind.

Tell us something random about yourself.

A self made person with no degree or certificate that will show my credentials. I graduated in the world university and my teachers and professors were all the people I met in my journey through life. I gained my profession and mastered it from the books that I’ve read and the different jobs that I performed. Knowledge is everywhere so don’t limit yourself in the four walls of your classroom.


1.    How, When and Why did you get into blogging industry?

Five years ago I gained an audience by joining different social networking websites such as Tagged, Wayn and now Facebook. I love to write my feelings and inspiration and overnight people start to idolize me. Some of them call me ‘Teacher’ or ‘Guru’ which I think is very inappropriate. Most of them suggested that I should create a blog site for them to follow. As of today, since I created it I got 59,149 visitors from September last year.

2. How you came up with the name for it?

As I play with words about my thoughts why not name it after me? I have hundreds of thousands of virtual friends and the name Myla is very familiar to many.

3. Do you blog for a job full time? What else do you do aside from blogging?

Honestly up to now, I still don’t know how to earn through blogging. Maybe because I am not interested on the financial aspect, but the inspiration that I can share to all my readers especially the young generation. But through the events that I organize, ebooks that I publish and now the business website that I’m doing – it’s where the income is coming from.

4. Did you choose to start blogging directly about your chosen niche or because you just saw a good way to make money from blogging?

Blogging is the best instrument to write down your accomplishments, outline your plans and certify your work. But for me it is where I can write fearfully, express my emotions strongly and share it to my readers to educate, inspire and motivate them.

5. How much time do you spend on work related to your blog(s) each week?

I only write when I am in the mood because as an artist, you can’t be productive without the drive to do something. But I divide my time equally on building my network and completing my project.

6. What do you find to be your biggest struggle as a blogger?

When I was sharing my experiences and techniques on how to effectively teach Business English to Japanese Professionals, I was criticized and ridiculed by some of my fellow Filipinos in the Philippines because according to them I wasn’t a college graduate (I only finished 1 semester in college) and I do not have the proper license to teach. But big corporations who hired me never asked for a proof. They tested my ability and I passed.

7. How does blogging help you, in terms of life and career?

There is  fulfillment each time I receive a letter of appreciation. I am the bridge that connects people from different countries and through my blogs they are able to interact with each other. Now you can see them in my FB groups such as My Daily Thoughts, Joke Box, Myla’s Treasured Friends and Our Marketplace – joking, laughing, praying and helping each other.

8. How did you get to where you are now with your blog(s)?

Hardwork, patience, perseverance and a kind heart.

To what do you attribute your success?

I see no color, I respect other people’s beliefs and way of life, and I try to be as honest as I can.

And what is the next goal you hope to achieve?

The business website that I’m working on will be launched soon. It will teach members to earn extra income through creating things that they can sell in all chapters that I will establish in the near future.

9. Where do you see your blog(s) and yourself in 5 years?

In 5 years I will be touring the world to build centers, to offer better education, teach healthy living and make my members financially stable by sharing the profit.

10. One of the hardest things for beginner bloggers is getting traffic. What tips can you give bloggers to drive traffic to a new blog?

At first they have to join social networking sites, participate in group discussions and get known. When you gain popularity you don’t have to beg for attention – they will beg for yours.

11. What advice would you give to new bloggers wanting to start blogging and help them start out on a path to success?

Be consistent. Concentrate on one subject. Be honest. It takes years to build a name and seconds to destroy it.

12. Describe your blog in 10 words.

Inspiring, honest, educational, amusing, well-thought of, expressive and true-to-life experiences.


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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor
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