PINDOT with Special Guest holds photography workshop

PRO.FOLIO Photography Workshop conducted last November 16 and 17, 2012 by The Pinoy Digital Photographers in Kuwait, most commonly known as PINDOT was held at Holiday Inn – Salmiya.

To begin with, PINDOT is from the Filipino language translated in English as “Click”, truly appropriate for people who have the drive and passion for photography. Founded in 2008, its members are professionals from various fields of endeavor and technical workers. In its almost four years of presence, the officers of the organization have staged different training, enhancement programs to further develop their members’ skill and enthusiasm in photography.

 Mr. Jerico Montemayor, world class photographer known both locally and internationally, through his works that have been featured in leading Philippine publications like FHM, MEG Magazine, View Magazine, Manila Bulletin and Illuminati Photography Team in ABS-CBN, was the guest lecturer for the medium. Mr. Montemayor’s photography forte is on portraiture, glamour, boudoir, high fashion and street fashion photography.

The workshop concentrated on the importance of “Concept” which according to Mr. Montemayor, will be the basis for shot composition, shutter speed, location, model , make up, hair, wardrobe, props, lighting, aperture, ISO and other more.  Workshop participants gave their best to create almost living pictures.

Ladies from Iszonica Modeling School were aptly transformed into models fit for every concept by professional makeup artists Rhina Montemayor and Marlon Aquino Malinao.

Sponsors of the two day event were Alghunaim Photography Shop for providing Sekonic & Profoto lighting equipment, Major Homes Inc, and Q8 Realtor.




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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor
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