Al’s Sojournal

Name: Al P. Manlangit

Url Address:


Philosophy in life:  Live and let live

Tell us something random about yourself.

I love to travel and my passion is to see the world from a different point of view on my own terms. Life is too short to be spent on insignificant stuff so I tend to look at it as a bigger picture. I believe that we are never too old to learn something new each day and the more we educate ourselves, the more we look at things with tolerance and understanding.


1. How, When and Why did you get into blogging industry?

I have had several blogs dating back to 2004 just for fun and to serve as a milepost for things that I’ve done. Basically, it’s more for myself than for anyone else.

2. How you came up with the name for it?

Since I am interested in travel and photography I’ve merged the two into one – Sojournal. It’s keeping a journey of one’s travels by recording slices of it thru photographs. This is the one that I try to maintain and struggle to keep the content relevant.

3. Do you blog for a job full time? What else do you do aside from blogging?

No I don’t. I am into photography and writing aside from my regular day job that pays for everything that I do.

4. Did you choose to start blogging directly about your chosen niche or because you just saw a good way to make money from blogging?

I have no intention whatsoever of making money from my blog. It’s more of a personal choice to write and express myself and that’s all I intend to do.

5. How much time do you spend on work related to your blog(s) each week?

Hardly much

6. What do you find to be your biggest struggle as a blogger?


7. How does blogging help you, in terms of life and career?

It is a relaxing pastime and makes me look at things in a different perspective.

8. How did you get to where you are now with your blog(s)? To what do you attribute your success? And what is the next goal you hope to achieve?

Since I don’t set goals actually, I only blog when there is time and the desire to do so. As a hobby, it is but a free-form way of expressing oneself and sharing with others your passion.

9. Where do you see your blog(s) and yourself in 5 years?

Wow, I don’t look that far ahead!

10. One of the hardest things for beginner bloggers is getting traffic. What tips can you give bloggers to drive traffic to a new blog?

I guess you have to do some networking and all that stuff but I don’t publicize myself because having an ever-widening readership is not a primary goal.

11. What advice would you give to new bloggers wanting to start blogging and help them start out on a path to success?

I think you have to find your passion – what is it you would love to write about? Once you know the answer to that, then the rest will come easy. But having said that, be mindful of your basic grammar and write sensibly in whatever language you wish to express yourself with. There’s nothing more of a turn-off to readers than something that is written sloppily without rhyme or proper syntax. And lastly, in order to be true to yourself, be original. Otherwise, it’s not worth it.

12. Describe your blog in 10 words.

It’s a small window to a greater world.





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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor
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