Beach Clean Up at Salmiya

Since the State of Kuwait is believed to be a fortress built near water, beachfront residences, and establishments are a very common sight here. Sometimes, progress can lead to pollutants in our important bodies of water. The same also goes here in Kuwait.

Not all expats and nationals here in Kuwait are disciplined when it comes to putting away their trash after a picnic or simple family bonding along the shoreline. Unknowingly too, they leave behind food wrappers, plastic cups, and the like.

It is a good thing that the Philippine Embassy, with POLO and OWWA personnel, together with some Filipino Communities converged for a cleanup drive near Mc Donalds in Salmiya.

“Caring for our environment should not only be done in our home country or host country. Every day, we must all try to take part to help clean our surroundings and we could start by putting away trash in specific places. We should also consider the kind wellness of our future generation.”





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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

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