Filipino Overseas Migration 2

Snow in Saudi Arabia? Taken in Tabouk, KSA which is near the border with Jordan.
Snow in Saudi Arabia? Taken in Tabouk, KSA which is near the border with Jordan.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has presently the largest number of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and the largest Filipino community in the Middle East. Filipinos comprise the fourth largest group of expatriates, approximately 1.8 million scattered to the different parts of the kingdom. They are also the second largest income earners for remittances to the Philippines.

The first documented Filipinos to arrive in 1973 were engineers. About 300,000 job placements have been occupied by Filipinos in the field of medical profession, automotive, construction, technology, telecommunications, processing and transportation. Many were able to bring their families with them and the less than 30 Filipino international schools in Saudi Arabia educated the Filipino children.

Not all Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) are documented legally. Many of those who entered Saudi Arabia through illegal recruitment end up abused, maltreated, unpaid for their work and other unfortunate circumstances. Many too have escaped from their employers and sought help from the Philippine Embassy. Some have been stranded and some willingly returned to the Philippines.

(photo credit to a friend’s FB page)

For job placements visit social media in Kuwait





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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

4 thoughts on “Filipino Overseas Migration 2

  1. Avatar
    Ernalou Del Rosario says:

    I have studied the OFW market for a while for some of the business presentations I was preparing. The actual recorded number is said to be only 10% of the real population of our OFWs abroad.

    I hope there continues to be better opportunities for OFWs abroad. Something which would make use of the Filipino’s endearing traits such as hard work, resilience and perseverance.

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    Kach Mu says:

    Hola Gracia!! I lived in the Middle East for 4 years- Kuwait and Iraq! Jon is actually thinking of going to Saudi Arabia just to experience it! hahah Saw that you assisted in the Indpendence day, my father is one of the organizers – Dok Chie Umandap. If you’re still in Kuwait, you might know him!



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    Otakore Literantadodist says:

    If at rare times (once in a blue moon), It snows in Egypt, why not in Saudi Arabia? There’s a climate change and it’s real.

    By the way, thank you for further information about when did huge amount number of Filipinos started working there overseas.


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