Gladys Valerio De Guzman: Journey to Success in the Special Professional Licensure Examination (SPLE) 2023 Interview

April 2023 Special Professional Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers Board Passer: An Interview with Gladys Valerio De Guzman

Gladys Valerio De Guzman, a triumphant TSOK (Teachers Specialists Organization in Kuwait) board passer, shares her journey of preparing for and conquering the SPLE.

Here’s an up close and personal interview with Gladys Valerio De Guzman:

How do you feel about receiving the news that you passed the board exam?

She expressed mixed emotions upon receiving the news of passing the board exam, as she did not anticipate such an outcome.

Have you received such recognition before? Please give details.

She confirmed that she had not received any recognition of this nature before.

What is your job here in Kuwait? How long have you been OFW?

She previously worked as a receptionist in her employer’s clinic in Kuwait, deviating from her household work visa. Unfortunately, she is presently unemployed due to the clinic’s closure. She has been an OFW in Kuwait for almost a year.

Who do you attribute your success to?

She attributes her success to her parents, aiming to make them proud.

Who has inspired you to take up SPLE?

The nurses in the clinic and a supportive friend inspired her to take the exam in Kuwait, believing in her capabilities.

What were the reactions of your family to this board’s passing?

The reactions of her family to her passing the board exam were filled with tears of joy, pride, and surprise, as they were unaware she had taken the examination.

To what extent was TSOK helpful in your success story?

TSOK played a vital role in her success, providing essential support, and she expressed deep gratitude to the organization for assisting Filipino workers.

What is your plan for the future or your dream after passing this exam?

Future plans for her include aspiring to work outside the country, considering gaining teaching experience, although she does not have any as of now.

Is this your first licensure exam? Do you plan on taking other exams, and what would it be?

The exam was her first licensure exam, and she has no plans to take another examination in the future.

What message would you like to give to the upcoming board exam taker?

To the upcoming examinees, trust in yourself and in our Almighty God. Do your best and never lose hope.

How did you know about the SPLE?

She discovered the exam through the “Filipino Professionals in Kuwait” page on Facebook, leading her to contact TSOK for information.

When did you decide to apply: after graduation or after finding a job? Why?

She decided to apply after finding a job, believing that work experience in teaching would be valuable.

What did you expect from the SPLE regarding the content of the exam? How different is it from college entrance exams?

She didn’t have specific expectations for the exam content but found it more challenging than college entrance exams.

What questions were easy to answer (e.g., solving, logical reasoning, abstract reasoning)?

Problem-solving questions were the easiest for her to answer during the exam.

Did you attend a review center? Which review center? (a.) If yes, how did it affect your preparation for the SPLE? (b.) If not, how did you prepare for the exam in terms of resources and review materials?  

She attended Mr. Melvin Buracho’s review center and the Free CBRC, but her attendance was sporadic due to work and family concerns.

How many of the things you reviewed appeared in the exam?

Many topics from the General Education section appeared in her exam, though she was uncertain about the Professional Education and Majorship sections.

How many weeks or months did you prepare for the exam?

She prepared for about three months after becoming unemployed.

How much did preparing for the exam cost you? Is it worth it?

The total cost was 60 Kuwaiti Dinar, which included the round-trip fare. Yes, it was worth it.

Do you have a daily study routine? (a.) If yes, what is your daily routine, especially the specific time you study? (b.) If not, how did you manage your time, especially for reviewing?  

She did not follow a daily study routine and studied when she felt like it.

How did you balance your work and review? How did you manage your time?

Balancing work and review involved studying when her employer was absent and chores were completed.

How did the SPLE affect your time with family and work?

The exam did not significantly affect her time with family or work.

Did you have any strategies in studying for the exam that helped you understand your notes better?

She didn’t use specific strategies for studying but relied on prayer and trust in the Almighty.

What difficulties did you face in preparing for the exam? How did you better remember complex terms and lessons? Did you improve your memory in any way?

Difficulties in preparing for the exam included seeking permission for orientations from her employer, and reviewing regularly helped her remember complex terms and lessons.

How stressed were you in preparing for the exam? How did you manage your stress?

Despite constant stress due to job concerns, she managed stress by listening to worship songs.

Have you procrastinated on your review? How did you manage procrastination? How did you motivate yourself?

Yes, she procrastinated when feeling depressed, but overcoming it involved striving to review and finding motivation in worship songs.

How important is preparing for the SPLE (or other exams)? Can you say that you are well prepared? How so?

Preparing for the exam is crucial for achieving life goals, but she couldn’t claim full preparedness due to numerous thoughts on her mind.

How did you act during the exam? What were your thoughts during the exam?

During the exam, she felt nervous and centered her thoughts on the uncertainty of passing.

Where did you gain the strength that helped you pass the exam?

She drew strength from the Lord God during the exam.

Did you search for and use guides and tips in your preparation? How effective were they?

She did not search for or use specific guides and tips, relying on self-confidence and faith in God for her preparations.

How did passing the exam benefit you in terms of your work, your life, your family, and yourself?

A. For work, the benefits of passing the exam are that I can apply to various government departments in the Philippines.

B. For my life, passing the exam opens up opportunities for me to work anywhere I choose, both inside and outside the country.

C. For my family, my success means I can support them in meeting their needs once I secure stable employment.

D. For myself, I take great pride in becoming a licensed teacher.


Here’s the full list of passers:



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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor
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