My Birthday Prayer and Wish

James 1:17

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

A special letter  of  thanks



Thank you my Heavenly Father, for another gift of life.

Thank you for all the people who remembered me not only today but who are  always there for me, family, and love ones by sending greetings, messages and good wishes.

Thank you for all the experiences  of this past year,
for times of  kneeling which reminded me of my own weakness and of my need for you,
for times of hopeful when the sun was shining,
for times of loneliness which drove me to you.
Help me in the days ahead to make this the best year yet,

and through it to bring good credit to myself,
happiness and pride to my love ones, and joy to you.


As the sun rises on my tomorrow, I feel appreciative of the past, contentment for the now and excitement for the future. With lot’s of change on the horizon...
Cheers!!! to good life and blessings to come.





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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor
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