An OFW’s All Saints’ Day

All Saints' Day in the Philippines is remembered every November 1st.
All Saints’ Day in the Philippines is remembered every November 1st.

It has been several years since I first came here in Kuwait as an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW). I was able to have a surprise visit to my family in early December 2012. If there is one very important occasion I’ve been missing that would be All Saints Day on November 1st.

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) like myself definitely miss important Filipino customs and traditions personally celebrated with their families. Being in a foreign land is our choice and we have all the reasons behind this. Wherever we may be, let us not forget to practice good things instilled in us.

Remembering my dearly departed grandparents is precious for me that is why even if I am far away, I still observe All Saints Day through prayers and lighting candles (aroma therapy ones make my room conducive for meditation). I pray for their eternal peace and express my gratitude for all their love and care.

For more about Filipino customs and traditions visit social media in Kuwait





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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

9 thoughts on “An OFW’s All Saints’ Day

  1. Avatar
    Lauren Ashley says:

    My dad works oversea and it’s hard to be far from him. And I sure he misses everthing or every occassion here. I know that their prayers will guide their beloved ones.

  2. Avatar
    Louise says:

    I can really say that I know what you feel. My parents are also OFWs and they really miss out a lot of occasions. They actually do the same; they just light candles and offer a prayer to our loved ones who have passed away. They send money so we can buy flowers to their grave. There are different ways we can still practice these traditions but there comes a point you’d be really homesick.

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