iPrice Answers Your Online Shopping Time


iPrice your One Stop Shopping Destination.
iprice your One Stop Shopping Destination.

Online shopping has been a trend for quite some time now and benefits people who have less time to do the rounds of department stores for their shopping. While online shopping is advantageous at this point, the question of legitimacy of the E store is lingering. Aside from that, I believe that an online shop must be perennial so you can come back again and again at any season of the year.

Thanks to iprice Your One Stop Shopping Destination, the convenience has never been better. They have a wide variety of brands from bags, beauty products, clothes for men and women, electronics, gadgets, kids’ stuff, jewellery, home and living, health products, media and books, toys, watches and many others.

iprice will help you get the best promos and deals simultaneously assuring you of quality purchases. What more are you waiting for? Come and visit their online shop now and get your money’s worth!

For the best deals and promos visit iprice now and be satisfied with their best offer!
For the best deals and promos visit iprice now and be satisfied with their best offer!

About iprice

Witnessing the rise of e-commerce in Southeast Asia first hand, we were increasingly unsatisfied with the online shopping experience. As more and more new online shops emerged, it became increasingly difficult to find the products you are looking for as well as the best offers and promotions. We felt lost in the e-commerce jungle. What was missing was the one stop shopping destination that lets you easily find any product online, in an intuitive and visual fashion.

We are a team of young individuals, with a special mix of tech geeks, fashionistas and entrepreneurs. We have a strong bias for action, we want to learn, grow and we want to build a great company together. Our mission is to create the most delightful online shopping experience. We aim to provide the widest selection of products across all categories, no matter whether you are looking for a blue dress, 17 cm high heels, a solid bag pack, or a new couch. Headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, we quickly grew into the leading platform for online shoppers across seven markets: Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Thailand and Vietnam.

(Thanks to iprice for sharing your banner and photo)





Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

7 thoughts on “iPrice Answers Your Online Shopping Time

  1. Kim Kaylan says:

    That’s really cool. Haven’t heard of iprice as I am new to online shopping. Checking it out at the moment. Thanks for this very helpful tips for online shopping Amor. Cheers!

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