Ilokana Women’s Organization in Kuwait

Ilokana Women’s Organization in Kuwait (IWOK) was founded in 2015 by Tres Marias namely; Rosita Ortiz Al Sinan, Farida Al Halimi and Trinidad Mariam Alzankawi. Their Oath of Office was on February 8, 2015 under the supervision of Consul General Atty. Raul H. Dado at the Philippine Embassy in Faiha.

Tres Marias has called Kuwait their home for different years now, respectively but not once did they forget their regional community in the Philippines – Ilocano. Each of the Tres Marias has personal charity works in the Philippines and here in Kuwait, prior to their significant meeting which led to the preparation and finally, the birth of IWOK.

Tres Marias believes that a charity group should be sincere and honest right from the very foundation of its core. This is the reason IWOK is screening its members. There is no discrimination here; any Ilocana can be part of the group regardless of her status in life for as long as she shown sincerity in herself.  It is not enough to be called a member of IWOK. One has to work within the group and for the group to benefit others.

Supporters for IWOK charity are most welcome and highly appreciated. IWOK recognizes all efforts made for the good of the beneficiaries.

Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor
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