My Message of Thanks

Spouses Atty. Cesar Chavez Jr., and Madam Gwen Chavez. (photo credit to owner)
Spouses Atty. Cesar Chavez Jr., and Madam Gwen Chavez. (photo credit to owner)


“Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks.”
                                                                                                ― Thomas Goodwin

Labor Attache Atty. Cesar Chavez Jr. and his wife Madam Gwen Chavez comprises one of my best memories of my stay in Kuwait. I met them after my voluntary hiatus from the Filipino community scene in Kuwait but that never hindered their good natured reception given to me.

Thank you Sir Labatt for all your support every step of the way of my advocacy and book launching in Kuwait. Thank you Madam Gwen for always being nice to me and for your kind words po.

To Atty. Cesar Chavez Jr. and Madam Gwen Chavez, I wish you all the best as you start your new life here in the Philippines. May our Lord bless you more and may you continuously become a blessing to others as well.

My years of stay in Kuwait have given me more than enough memories, both good and sad, to last me a lifetime. I am thankful for the opportunity to write my book of life with the most learned lessons while I was in Kuwait.


Must Share and Read !


Angels in disguise Series: Ms. Glenn Caduada Untal

Case of Michelle Daguplo

An invitation to share my skills

My duty as a Filipino and an OFW


Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor