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A Friendly Guide For OASIS – Diary Ni Gracia “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger."

A Friendly Guide for OASIS

“That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.”

-Friedrich Nietzsche-

The OASIS (OFW Assistance Information System) is an online platform designed to help Overseas Filipino Workers receive better service. By registering in OASIS, you’re giving DOLE, POLO, OWWA, and POEA the details they need to respond to your concerns and provide necessary COVID-19 Pandemic support, including repatriation, testing, quarantine, and transportation.

The OWWA’s OASIS form is extremely useful nowadays because it allows you to easily include your information as a Filipino working abroad. It was launched in June 2020, at a time when a large number of OFWs were returning to the Philippines, mostly as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, which had caused them to lose their employment abroad.

“An oasis symbolizes hope in a desert of trials,” Secretary Silvestre Bello III of DOLE stated. “The system that we created aims to give our OFWs a ray of hope by ensuring that we provide them efficient and timely assistance to ease their anxieties when returning home in the midst of this Pandemic,” he added.

“Through this system, the government can track the whereabouts of our returning OFWs and provide them prompt assistance and relief upon their return to the country,” Sec. Bello said.

All OFWs intending to return to the Philippines during the COVID-19 Pandemic should register in OASIS and provide all information needed.


How to Register for OASIS?

Step 1 – Go to

Step 2 – Select your preferred language (English or Filipino), click Register, and fill out the form by providing appropriate data and information.

Step 3 – Check the box to certify that you have read the form, understood its contents, and give consent to process your data under the Data Privacy Act of 2012.

Step 4 – Click the Submit button

Step 5 – A link will be sent to your e-mail to notify that you have successfully registered in the OASIS

Step 6 – To update any information entered in the system, click the link sent to your e-mail and process with updating your information

Step 7 – Click the Submit button

Note: You can also download the OASIS form at


I hope this article helped you. Keep safe, Kababayan. Mabuhay po ang lahat ng OFW!




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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

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