Peak Magazine: OFW Success Stories

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Peak Magazine: OFW Success Stories

Peak Magazine 1st edition. This publication is devoted to all Filipinos living in other parts of the globe. It demonstrates that any Filipino can excel anywhere in the world as long as they have the support of their community, and it promotes unity through their goal of bringing home pride to the country.

It demonstrates that any Filipino can excel anywhere in the world if they have the support of their community.


Peak magazine also demonstrates how a Filipino community may act as a safe haven for Filipinos who are currently residing in countries other than the Pearl of the Orient.

This magazine has made it its aim to chronicle stories of Filipinos' friendship as well as some important events that not only support their concerns but also encourage mental health and showcase their source of income. This magazine's mission statement is as follows:


The purpose of Peak magazine is to serve as a reminder that wherever you travel in the world, there will always be a Filipino community ready to greet you. This is something that the editors of this magazine want to accomplish.

And as a Filipina who lives outside the nation, may this magazine encourage you to keep going and to not be afraid to take chances so that you may expose your ability and beauty to the rest of the world, for the rest of the world is anxious to see it.


The publication has an important message that it would like to convey to its readers, who are Filipino overseas Filipino workers who live in Kuwait and their families back home.

To celebrate and take pride in the accomplishments of our countrymen, or "kababayans," particularly in how they have managed to mature and move on from the challenges they have faced to become the finest versions of themselves.

To recognize and give thanks to the persons and organizations who helped them feel at home even though they were away from it. And remember that the kids and young people who are struggling are the ones who will shape the world of the future, so be kind to them.

Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

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