Tag Archives: COVID-19 Diaries

CORONAVIRUS:KUWAIT OFW QUARANTINE DAY #26- Updates Regarding the Holy Month of Ramadan

April 6, 2020 Monday A time of crisis is not just a time of anxiety and worry. It gives a chance, an opportunity, to choose well or to choose poorly. – Desmond Tutu All of us reserve the right to practice our religious freedoms and duties, most especially during these troubled times when we need…

CORONAVIRUS:KUWAIT OFW QUARANTINE DAY #25 – Increasing Measures to Fight the Pandemic

As much as we want to keep ourselves safe, we can’t protect ourselves from everything. If we’re going to embrace life, we also have to embrace chaos. – Susan Elizabeth Phillips April 5, 2020, Sunday There has been a significant upward trend in the rise of COVID-19 infections all over Kuwait, and as such, the…

CORONAVIRUS:KUWAIT OFW QUARANTINE DAY #24- The Country’s Concern Regarding Safety Measures

April 4, 2020, Saturday   Crises are often resolved only through a new identity and new purpose, whether it’s that of a nation or a single human being. – Rebecca Solnit  As the coronavirus pandemic drags on, health and security measures are being more strictly observed and have since then become a daily norm in…

CORONAVIRUS:KUWAIT OFW QUARANTINE DAY #23- Extensive Implementation of Health Guidelines

April 3, 2020, Friday “COVID-19 is not just a medical challenge, but a spiritual challenge too. In order to defeat COVID, humanity needs to follow the path of self-purification, compassion, nonviolence, God, and Nature.” -Amit Ray In the past few months, the international community has been shaken by a pandemic that has disturbed the lives…

CORONAVIRUS:KUWAIT OFW QUARANTINE DAY #22 – Enforcing Quarantine Guidelines

April 2, 2020, Thursday Deep within every crisis is an opportunity for something beautiful -Kate McGahan In light of the current pandemic, every government has enforced its own set of rules and guidelines regarding the various health and security measures that need to be followed in order to stem the transmission of the virus. However,…

CORONAVIRUS:KUWAIT OFW QUARANTINE DAY #21-Structural Reforms for the Economy

April 1, 2020, Wednesday “Adversity, and perseverance and all these things can shape you. They can give you a value and self-esteem that is priceless.” -Scott Hamilton In Kuwait, the Ministry of Health announced 28 new COVID-19 cases with seven additional recoveries. This brings to a total tally of 317 cases with 80 recovered cases….

CORONAVIRUS:KUWAIT OFW QUARANTINE DAY #20 – The Country’s Concern to its Expatriates

March 31, 2020, Tuesday “Concern yourselves more with the needs of others, with the needs of all humanity, and you will have peace of mind.” Dalai Lama Each country has its own community of expatriates. It is because many individuals transfer to foreign countries in search of employment and livelihood. However, when a crisis strikes…

CORONAVIRUS:KUWAIT OFW QUARANTINE DAY #19 -Implementing the Knowledge from China

March 30, 2020, Monday “Knowledge is not power. It is only potential. Applying that knowledge is power. Understanding why and when to apply that knowledge is wisdom.” Takada Shingen The country of China first encountered the threat of the COVID-19 health crisis. Therefore, they managed to gain more understanding and knowledge first-hand. Relying on their…

CORONAVIRUS:KUWAIT OFW QUARANTINE DAY #17 – The Search for Quarantine Facilities

March 28, 2020, Sunday “As long as one keeps searching, the answers come.” Joan Baez COVID-19 pandemic affected many people worldwide. With this, the authorities and healthcare departments hasten their search for available facilities for people undergoing quarantine. In Kuwait, the Ministry of Health has confirmed ten new COVID-19 cases with an additional seven recovered…

CORONAVIRUS:KUWAIT OFW QUARANTINE DAY #16 – Establishing a Stable Food Supply

March 27, 2020, Friday “There is enough on this planet for everyone’s needs but not for everyone’s greed.” Mahatma Gandhi As many countries undergo the implementation of lockdown, the COVID-19 restricted the people’s movements. Then, the worries of food shortage and famine among the community rise. However, each government has its plans to ensure that…

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