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DNG Archives – Diary Ni Gracia

Tag Archives: DNG

The Magical Book Launch of “The Journey of Allie” and “Bible Stories for Kids”

Celebrate the enchanting book launch of "The Journey of Allie" and "Bible Stories for Kids" at TSOK's Masquerade Ball, marking a decade of educational excellence.

Celebrate the enchanting book launch of “The Journey of Allie” and “Bible Stories for Kids” at TSOK’s Masquerade Ball, marking a decade of educational excellence.

Credits: Acknowledging TSOK’s Pioneering Advocacy, Credibility and Empowerment

Credits: Acknowledging TSOK's Pioneering Advocacy, Credibility and Empowerment

Embracing the Essence of TSOK’s Advocacy The Teachers Specialist Organization in Kuwait (TSOK) is a supportive community for Filipino teachers…

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