Tag Archives: tsok anniversary

The Remarkable Success of TSOK’s Decade Anniversary Event – 7 Highlights You Might Have Missed

The Remarkable Success of TSOK's Decade Anniversary Event – 5 Highlights You Might Have Missed

Relive the success of TSOK’s Decade Anniversary Event and Masquerade Ball, a celebration of dedication, with handmade decor, inspiring speeches, and joyful festivities!

Celebrating a Decade of Dedication: Mr. Honesto Doctolero Congratulates TSOK for Reaching 10 Phenomenal Years of Service

Celebrating a Decade of Dedication: Mr. Honesto Doctolero Congratulates TSOK

Discover how Mr. Honesto Doctolero’s unwavering dedication and TSOK’s decade of service are shaping inclusive education in Kuwait. Join the celebration as we congratulate their transformative impact.