ABOUT YOURSELF Name: Tristan Khalil "Xtan" or" />

Triz shares, blogs and gains


Name: Tristan Khalil “Xtan” or “Triz” A. Singkala
Url Address: http://www.tristankhalil.com/ / http://www.freelancejobsguru.com/
Philosophy in life: It’s give and take. When you share knowledge with everyone else, you’ll get the same gesture in return.Tell us something random about yourself.
I am Xtan (known in social media) or Triz (known in gaming), an online Pinoy Freelancer, working online at oDesk, Elance and in some independent online companies. I specialize in Custom Landing Page for Facebook Page, WordPress Set-up & Customization, a Virtual Assistant, a Social Media Manager, and a Graphic Designer.



1. How, When and Why did you get into the blogging industry?
I started way back around 2008; just a hobby. I was thinking that I might want to share something I read online and then post it on my blog (serves as a diary as well). Then it came to a point where I set up another new blog in Tumblr. But I just acquired a paid domain and hosting last June 2011. I migrated my blog from Blogger to WordPress.
2. How did you come up with the name for it?
I don’t fancy much on word building. That is why, my first blog domain is tristankhalil.blogspot.com. Then later on, as I was playing an online game (yes, I’m a gamer), I came up with a character named “Triz”. It is a shortened version of my name, Tristan. Then, later on, I change my blog’s name to TRIZZONE. I also have a blog on Tumblr, and named it Trizzy’s Nook but it is mostly shared with screenshots, photos, and digital images. Anyway, in my TRIZZONE blog, mostly share tech stuff, mobile reviews, music that I got LSS for almost a week, and some gaming experience.
3. How long have you been here and what made you want to start?
I think I was around for 3 years but went on and off. What made me want to start is that I just wanted to share anything I know, in I think is helpful to anyone.
4. Do you blog for a job full-time? What else do you do aside from blogging?
I don’t blog full-time since writing stuff is not my forte. Aside from blogging, I am into photography. I wanted to have my own DSLR soon for my photo hobby. I also worked as an online Freelancer, as an all-around VA, graphic designer and doing social media marketing.
5. Did you choose to start blogging directly about your chosen niche or because you just saw a good way to make money from blogging?
Nope. I don’t even think of earning in my blog since I don’t have sellable postings.
6. How much time do you spend on work related to your blog(s) each week?
I just try to post a blog when I feel I want to share some stuff. And with my current work schedule, blogging is the least priority I have for now.
7. What do you find to be your biggest struggle as a blogger?
Well, my biggest struggle is writing. I envy my grandfather for his writing skills. I don’t know, but some said that if you are a good reader, you are a good writer.
8. How does blogging help you, in terms of life and career? How did you get to where you are now with your blog(s)? To what do you attribute your success? and what is the next goal you hope to achieve? In terms of life and career, I find blogging as a source of information. This is what I love about blogging. You can learn something from what others posted on their blog. Like I said, I love to read just about anything interesting to me.
9. Where do you see your blog(s) and yourself in 5 years?
Well, I am seeing more stuff shared, and having a good relationship with other bloggers.
10. One of the hardest things for beginner bloggers is getting traffic. What tips can you give bloggers to drive traffic to a new blog?
The best tip I can give is to post new stuff on a regular basis. That I how I see our blogs in Freelance Jobs Guru (http://freelancejobsguru.com/). It’s a 3-manned blog, I handle the blog design, layout, and social media, while my 2 other friends are in charge of the articles to be posted. Another tip to drive more traffic is social media. Try to be in some large Facebook groups. Don’t just post your link there, share what you know, and try to do stuff like comment, retweet, and like love. Mingle with other bloggers. Another thing is, if you can, try to sponsor some blog giveaways. Currently, my Music Face Off Blog is one of the sponsors of a birthday and Thanksgiving giveaway and because of it, I got some boost in terms of followers and readers, a good start for a new blog!

11. What advice would you give to new bloggers wanting to start blogging and help them start on a path to success? Try to look for something that you love and want to share. A niche that you will be happy writing for. Success can be achieved if you are happy with what you are doing/writing.

12. Describe your blog in 10 words.

Sharing facts about music, gaming, social media, technology, and freelancing.


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Understanding Diarynigracia (DNG) Website: A Guide Through DNG Documentation (For Information Purposes Only)

Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

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