The work place is a two way street. The two pedestrians are; employee and employer. The common ground by which both stand is the “Big R” – Respect.
Let’s first start on how an employee can earn respect at work.
Although a dusty tip due to old age, there is and there will always be truth to this – Work hard. Do not be late coming to the office. Beat your given deadline for submission of your tasks. Dress appropriately at work. If you have some trouble at home, do not bring these to the office or to work.
Being approachable helps you earn respect. No matter how shy or timid you are personally, overcome this and start to smile, be courteous and friendly to work mates.
Be considerate. It is not always easy to develop friendship at the workplace especially if you are the “new girl in town”. But it can be managed by small and simple gestures like sincerely complementing a work mate for a job well done. Not to be pushy or over acting – just plain and simple remarks. It will come back to you at a given time.
Be honest in accepting tasks. Only when you have carefully assessed that you can still accept and perform additional work load must you do it. Otherwise, you will have an unpleasant reputation of someone who feels superior but is not. If you can do additional work, say in all honesty. If you cannot, being truthful won’t hurt either. No job will be spoiled.
Discussion between employer and employee is allowed most especially if it is about work. When going through some points start by being objective, not subjective. Refrain too from adding up any personal matter in the discussion because you are all professionals. No one is allowed to disrespect anyone.
A multi-award-winning blogger and advocate for OFWs and investment literacy; recipient of the Mass Media Advocacy Award, Philippine Expat Blog Award, and Most Outstanding Balikbayan Award. Her first book, The Global Filipino Bloggers OFW Edition, was launched at the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait. A certified Registered Financial Planner of the Philippines specializing in the Stock Market. A recognized author of the National Book Development Board of the Philippines. Co-founder of Teachers Specialist Organization in Kuwait (TSOK) and Filipino Bloggers in Kuwait (FBK). An international member of writing and poetry. Published more than 10 books. Read more: About DiaryNiGracia
Peace and love to you.