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My Heaven Sent Mother In Kuwait – Diary Ni Gracia

My Heaven sent Mother in Kuwait

Happy Birthday, Tita Freda :)
Happy Birthday, Tita Freda 🙂

Tita Freda is one of my few, yet true friends here in Kuwait. Through all the ups and downs in my life, she was there to support me in every sincere way she could. I admire her courage to face her trials in life and still go about continuously giving blessings to other people who are not even blood related to her. I am one of those grateful people.

On your birthday today po, Tita Freda, I wish that whatever it is you have in your mind, whatever it is your heart desires, may our Almighty Father grant it. Continue to be a blessing to others.

Happy, Happy Birthday, Tita Freda 🙂

Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

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