Worry-free Retirement Part 2

Let us say that you are 50 years old and by this time, many people you know, your friends and relatives with the same age as you, may have at least one child who is already a college graduate. The other children are still in school.

Retirement is the time when you should be free from all pressure and stress that comes with work.
Retirement is the time when you should be free from all pressure and stress that comes with work. (source:retirementquotes)

It will be of great help if your Senior high school student will be cooperative about his / her major in college. While many North American, Latin American, European and other Asian schools have free grade school and high school education. College / university level is a different and stressing story. It will be helpful for you if your incoming freshman college is set to study the major that he / she wants. Not the major you want for him / her.

Assess your sources of income and your expenditures. Make sure not to over shoot in your budget. With all the expenses on family, education, bills, vacation, only you can make the choice how you will go about everything. You may consider wise spending only on necessities. So when a chance for a weekend getaway or a few weeks of stay, can still be accommodated in your family budget.

Health care is very important for a retired person. Medical well being costs much not to mention your possible daily maintenance medicines. It is proper and necessary to have a health insurance that is reliable, dependable and budget affordable. Growing old entails some illnesses and imbalances. You better be prepared for these.

Retirement however which way, must be enjoyed because this is the phase when all days of the week are only weekends, nothing less.



Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor