Pre-Cana Seminar, a Path to successful marriage

The consultation prior to marriage for couples preparing to be married in  Catholic rites is called Pre-Cana Seminar. Its name is from the Biblical event wedding at Cana where Jesus performed His first miracle by turning water into wine.

Holy Mass is always a part of any Pre-Cana Seminar.
Holy Mass is always a part of any Pre-Cana Seminar.


There are available online registration for Pre-Cana Seminar wherein you can choose the schedule suited for you and your fiance / fiancee.


Pre-Cana orientation varies from dioceses, parishes and lay ministries / organizations but all leads to assistance to a God – centered marriage and family life.

The Center for Family Ministries (CeFam) here in the Philippines is under the Society of Jesus and it’s lay partners and promotes family well – being, healing and growth.

Topics include Marriage: A Path to Wholeness, Self-Esteem, Maturity for Marriage, Communication / Five Love Languages, Authentic Love, among others.

One of the speakers at the Pre-Cana Seminar of CeFam.
One of the speakers at the Pre-Cana Seminar of CeFam.







Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor