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4 Reasons Why You Should Form A Better Habit – Diary Ni Gracia

4 Reasons Why You Should Form A Better Habit

Habits are usually formed unconsciously. Sometimes, when you remind yourself to do a specific task repetitively, you start turning them into a habit without even realizing it.



Importance of Forming Better Habits


Habits are usually formed unconsciously. Sometimes, when you remind yourself to do a specific task repetitively, you start turning them into a habit without even realizing it. You probably have a habit of sleeping at 1 pm, walking outside before going to bed or maybe drinking water every thirty minutes.

But these are just common ones. Also, habits can be both bad and good. Of course, no one wants to have the bad ones! Still, you might not be interested to form new and better habits, so these are the reasons why you should start making good habits!


  1. Habits allow you to slowly achieve your goal.

By starting little by little, you can definitely reach your goal. You see, success doesn’t really happen overnight. Say, if your goal is to be a good dancer, then you should take the time to practice daily even if it is just two or three hours.


  1. It prevents you from wasting your time.

Do you agree to the fact that gadgets are indeed addicting? For me, it is a yes. Financial advocates get distracted at times too!

Sometimes, whenever you have an important task to do, you tend to forget it because your smartphone tempts you to surf the internet. Through forming a habit wherein you will be forced to ignore any gadget until you finish your task, you will be able to do more things on-time.


  1. Habits can help you develop self-discipline.

Forming a new habit symbolizes you are encouraging yourself to be productive rather than slacking off whenever you find the time to do so. It can also give you a mindset that you should strictly do what you ought to do.


  1. Habits can challenge you.

Have you ever told yourself things like, “Ah, I can’t do this!” or “It’s too impossible for me!

Well, you’ve been discouraging yourself all these time. How are you so sure that you can’t do it if you haven’t tried it in the first place? Don’t underestimate yourself and try going out of your comfort zone by starting off with an easy habit.

Don’t ask yourself if you can do it; ask yourself how long it will take you before you can do it.


Forming better habits is a great chance to observe the way you live your life. It is for you to identify what the things you want to change in yourself are, and how you make decisions for yourself.

Always remember that change always begins with yourself.



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Thank you.

Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

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