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A Call For Greater Vigilance As Omicron Variant Spreads – Diary Ni Gracia A call for greater vigilance as Omicron variant spreads  

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A call for greater vigilance as Omicron variant spreads

A call for greater vigilance as Omicron variant spreads


Omicron variant is spreading fast

The Omicron variant is a significant factor in the COVID-19 spike, and it’s simple to point the finger at the reduced lockdown rules and the false feeling of security that we’ve all been lulled into. Preliminary research suggests the newer variety is less likely to result in hospitalization than the Delta type, but it has also been shown to be substantially more communicable, as may be seen by the fact that it has displaced Delta as the most common variation on the market.

As devastating as COVID-19 has been, the virus did not seem to be the primary cause of death in 2021, as one would assume, given the extent of the damage. Heart disease is the top cause of death in the Philippines as of September 2021, with 91,152 cases, or 18.5 percent of all deaths in the Philippines. A total of 50,758 people died as a result of COVID-19, or 10.3% of the total number of fatalities in the nation. Unfortunately, when it comes to health scares, we’ve seen worse. And we’re still seeing worse every day.



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Gracia Amor
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