Why do you need to take psychological stock market?

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Psychological Stock Market

 Why do you need to take psychological stock market?

We know that our emotions react to certain situations, and impulsive behaviors may rise depending on what you’re currently doing. This is also applied when we invest in the stock market. When trading, we may feel these specific emotions during the transaction that may affect our actions since emotions drive decisions. There are a lot of psychological factors that should be considered. Once you understand how to control it, it can also prevent financial setbacks.

Our ability to manage these emotions and behavior during trading is often called stock market psychology. It may look insignificant in the trading industry and can be underestimated. Still, it is essential for a trader to consider it as a factor and be able to identify and manage these psychological factors that may affect their decision. One thing you have to note is that psychology is the study of the mind, and it affects your behavior. If neglected, it might cause conflicts or mishaps in your stock trading performance.

If an individual is considering entering the world of stock trading, here are some reasons why you should consider your psychological stock market.


Being smart is not enough.

People are usually amazed by a person’s cleverness, and most of the time, we have this idea where we think that if you’re smart enough, you have the ability to understand and do almost anything that you want, but when it comes to stock trading, being smart is not enough.

Since humans possess different emotions, such as greed, fear, denial, validation, pride, and more, these emotions usually get the best of us to the point that we can decide or think on our own properly. Being smart doesn’t mean you can easily control and determine your feelings. Assessing and managing these emotions that can affect you will always be the best way to deal with this issue.

Setting Expectations

Setting realistic expectations on trading might save you from disappointment. We all know that in trading, there are times when you will gain or even fail. Expecting too much might cause an emotional outbreak and drive you into making incorrect financial decisions on your investments. 

You can try building your confidence instead. The beginning stages, where you try to gain your confidence, might be difficult. However, when you set up a well-planned strategy and be confident with what you have prepared because confident traders are those who are aware and have foreseen the possibilities that may happen and have already allotted a space where they can process all the factors that have to be assessed and managed to end up in the expected outcome.

Being Biased

Being biased in a specific stock market can cancel out your ability to gain from your investment. If you became over-optimistic about the stock and decided to buy too much, expecting it to gain since it went up and believed that it could rise further, but ended up crashing might put you in a devastating state.

Given the situation you experienced, you might still believe in this particular stock’s future. Of course, there are other stock options that you might consider with a higher probability of gaining if you consider all the factors that you have to consider. However, you reject it since you’re more focused on your beliefs. There’s no point in sticking to one if there’s no chance of gaining.


If you’re a beginner, it’s most likely that you’ll just follow certain famous investors who you look up to and invest in popular trades. However, investing is a vast world to explore and process. There are different investment styles that might work for you or different phases you have to be in. Before attaining success, you will face tons of failures along the way, and comparing your investment styles won’t do you good. Continue exploring, learning, and trying until you find your way into successfully investing. 

Risk/Reward ratios

We are aware that when investing, there is no assurance that you will gain every time you invest. Always consider the risk you are taking since risk management is one thing you can’t ignore every time you invest. Determining the risk or reward ratios every time you invest and trading a reasonable trade amount will be the best way to manage your risk strategy.

Identifying Fear

Letting your fear control you might cause you to overreact. In cases where you hear bad news regarding a crash of the stock you invested in, you might get scared and overreact, liquidating your holdings and refraining from taking further risks. You may have avoided particular losses on your account, but you might also have avoided some possible gains. 

You should understand that fear does not equate to threat. If you continue to see it as a threat to your investments, it may threaten your potential earnings. Always consider what you’re afraid of and why you’re scared of it. Decide thoroughly and think twice before reacting.



Turning into a greedy investor is one thing that you should avoid. If you decide to hold on to your winning position for a long time, expecting to get every reward or gain that you can result in a reverse outcome, and you might get caught. Resulting in no loss or lesser gain. Investors usually turn greedy, and it’s hard to overcome. Trust your gut and develop a trading plan based on rational thinking.


Quick Decisions

Having a certain presence of mind and sticking to your trading strategy so you know when you will gain and lose is essential. Traders should be able to make quick decisions since stocks rise and crash on such short notice.


Being Flexible

Experimenting with your stocks might sound scary, but this may be the best way to learn about investing. After every experiment, you should reflect and assess your performance and how you progressed to know which mistakes and habits should be corrected to enhance overall performance.


It is not possible to learn by conducting research. If you’re planning to invest in a particular stock or industry, you should devote your time to the research process and keep yourself updated on the news about them. You can also attend conferences or seminars to educate yourself further. Being knowledgeable can overcome overreaction caused by fear.

Setting rules

Making a guideline and setting rules for yourself to know what to do when your emotions take over you. It is best to lay out some actions you must take depending on certain situations, such as a rise or crash in your stocks, which should trigger a buy or sell reaction.


No relevant information

Investing in a specific stock without relevant information might hinder you from potential gain. Since based on what you only see on the surface won’t let you maximize your earnings.

Can’t understand information

Even if you have all the relevant information you need, it will be useless if you don’t understand or process it. Based on the surface, information or understanding you can have might cause you to overreact or underreact to specific situations.


Starters or investors might see a high soar stock price as a positive reason to invest. They will usually invest in it quickly without considering other factors that may cause its crash in the future.


As mentioned above, being biased will do you no good and may prevent you from earning as much as possible. Underreaction is another common bias that investors experience. Individuals who solely believe in something and do not update their beliefs based on the latest data released won’t show any response on the stock market—losing the chance of profiting.

Helpful books in the stock market

Before the popularity of the internet started, we learned all the things we know through books. Reading, scanning, and smelling every page of the books every time we open one. There’s nothing more inspiring and motivating way to study than opening a book. 

We all start by learning, and in today’s age, we usually go through surfing the web and looking for the best articles, websites, or video lectures that can teach us how to learn and do certain things, just like learning and exploring the world of the stock market. Reading is not just about learning; it’s also about inspiring and giving you ideas on how to excel at such things. If you need those and want to explore pages, here are some books I can suggest to learn more about the stock market.

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John C. Bogle

If you want to learn about the basics behind the two common investing options, The Little Book of Common Sense is the best pick. The book was published in 2007 and describes why Bogle, the author, is in favor of using index funds when investing.

The book mainly explains the difference between index and actively managed funds and where you should invest. However, Bogle advises investing in a broad market index fund and holding your investment for a long time. If you want to know more about it, Bogle explained the strategy in detail that will come up with above-average results. 

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham and Comments by Jason Zweig

The Intelligent Investor, published in 1949, is considered the stock market bible since the book is acknowledged globally and recommended by one legendary investor, Warren Buffett. He described it as “by far the best book on investing ever written,” “I suggest that all investors read those chapters and reread them every time the market has been especially strong or weak.”  The book offers advice and techniques for developing strategies to help them meet their financial goals.

The Little Book that Beats the Market by Joel Greenblatt

Being a starter means you have to learn the basics before going into the hard part, meaning you may still need to know how everything works; even the terminologies may be alien to you. This book will help you understand everything since the book has explained investing using plain language and elementary math, which can be a huge help if you’re still learning. Greenblatt also devised specific rules to follow on what stocks to buy, how many to buy, and when to sell.

One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch

This book is best for amateur investors who want to learn how to play with the stock market without knowing the same rules as professionals. You’ll know how to identify excellent investment prospects and what kind of investment returns you should look for. Discover excellent and effective advice you can apply to your game to achieve financial success. 

Poor Charlie’s Almanack by Charlie Munger

If you’re fond of reading biographies, testimonies, and a collection of speeches and talks related to investment, this might be for you. The book is a compilation of Munger’s wit and wisdom, which will improve your decision and thinking skills. You will take a closer look into his intellectual framework and the factors that shaped his thinking when making an investment decision. 

How to Make Money in Stocks by William J. O’Neil

The book offers what exactly the title says, learning how to make money in stocks. It explains how you can choose the best stock to invest in and when to buy or sell your stocks to maximize your earnings. The book also shows the author’s favor for strong, upward-trending stocks. Learn how to analyze the stock price action and look for the patterns that increase your favor to gain.

Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Taleb

Investing and taking risks in stock trading may be considered a game of luck. You’re lucky if the stock you invested in has risen, and you’re unlucky if you didn’t even gain a single profit. This book will teach you how to look at the probabilities in the world and change your perspective in terms of luck with his independent-minded and eye-opening insights. 

Warren Buffett’s Ground Rules by Jeremy C. Miller

If you’re an investor, I’m sure you’ve heard who the greatest investor is. None other than Warren Buffet. Wouldn’t it be great to learn a thing or two from him? Jeremy Miller has shared a compilation of all the things an individual must learn from the letters Buffett has sent to his partners over the years due to the fund he managed. You’ll learn how to predict the right moment when to buy or sell and know why you should choose to invest in undervalued companies.

The Most Important Thing by Howard Marks

If you look into my answer to the first question, I’ve discussed that managing your psychological stock market is essential. Instead of getting information on the basics and things you should know about the stock market, you will be given insights or wisdom that will teach you about critical thinking, which is an important factor when trading. Buffet also called it “that rarity, a useful book.”

Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Philip Fisher

Looking for some insights into what to consider when buying stocks may take a lot of work. With Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits, you will learn points you have to look for a high-quality stock you have to buy. A chapter in his book “What to buy” is the most important to read. There, you’ll learn his “15 points to look for a common stock,” which is an excellent need for starters. 

 Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist by Roger Lowenstein

Suppose you idolize Warren Buffet and aim to become a great investor like him one day; this one might be for you. This may not be an informative book about the tips and tricks you must have in investing, but this may be an inspirational and motivational read that you must consider. You’ll learn how Buffet crawled up from being a newspaper delivery to being the greatest investor.

The Misbehavior of Markets: A Fractal View of Financial Turbulence by Benoit Mandelbrot

Knowing and understanding the financial market will be a great step when investing in the stock market. To help you with it, this book will give you insight and teach you about the behavior of the market through a set of mathematical assumptions. It is considered “the most realistic finance book ever published.”

Why Stocks Go Up (and Down) by William Pike

This is an excellent way to start if you’re learning about the nooks and crannies of equity and bond investing. It teaches and helps you understand the fundamentals of investing in stocks and bonds. It is suitable for beginners with little to no experience in accounting, the stock market, and finance. 

The Dao of Capital by Mark Spitznagel

In this book, Spitznagel focused on and introduced the Austrian method of investing. Pointing that, you have to love to lose money and hate to make it. Showing that instead of focusing and following a direct way toward gaining, you must take a path toward loss. One commented, “at last, a real book y a real risk-taking practitioner.”

Bull: A History of the Boom and Bust, 1982-2004 by Maggie Mahar

This is the first book written regarding the remarkable bull market that began in 1982 and ended in the 2000s. It presents the period of the Bull market from a historical perspective by a journalist and financial reporter. It reminds us that blindness and euphoria are a regular part of the bull market. Something that we should learn from reading and studying history.


What are the signs that the stocks are being dumped or pumped?

The pump and dump scheme is usually an investment scam to fool people into investing in a particular stock. It is a period when people use their capital or some of their cash to invest in a stock to increase its volume, thus the pump part. However, once they have made the stock rise, promoters or influential people will hype up the stock to fool or deceive investors into investing. Other than this, they promote it through cryptocurrencies and commodities. Once the investors or retail traders decide to buy the asset and continue to rise, they will exit their trades. Meaning, they will earn once they pull out their trades on the stock investment but will continue to decline, resulting in other investors losing. Thus, the dump part. 


Since this is a common scam in investing, it is best to know when to identify if it’s a pump or dump scam.

Flat Liners

Suppose you decided to look into a certain stock and see that it is a flat liner, where they never made any move and only stationed at one place but suddenly decided to break out. If a flat liner has suspiciously risen quickly and unexpectedly, this is a sign that the stock is pumped and is the biggest clue of the pump and dump scheme. Be suspicious as to why the prices have risen since prices don’t just start increasing out of nowhere for no apparent reason, especially for flat-liner stock that never shows any movement—a huge red flag.

Trading Surge

Together with the explanation above, if you see the volume of stock shares has increased from 0 to over a million is obviously unbelievable. It is impossible to increase the volume in a short period. Unless they have good promoters, who are good at fooling people into investing or have their way or technique to increase their volume.  

Increased Public Advertisement

Since the scheme usually happens once the stock has pumped up, they will start advertising it to fool people into investing. Suppose you see an increased advertisement or public announcement received through mass email or any form persuading you into investing since it promises you large profits. In that case, it should be considered a red flag. Since investing is a risk and there are chances of a loss, no one ever knows when you will gain profit. Additionally, whenever they publicize specific announcements or ads, they usually come up with sexy unbelievable stories with exaggerated relationships with people who might not be legit. 


Development Stage Companies

Some companies are still in the development stage, with no revenues, offering you to invest in a particular stock. You should research the company’s background first before considering it since they haven’t built up a name for themselves yet and might just be a group of scammers waiting to fool you. They might also show that they are connected o related to people, which shows too good to be true revenues and contracts with certain people proving you what they offer is real. They may also publicly announce that they have embarked on an Investment Relations Campaign, making you believe more that they are legit. However, if you did your research on the company’s background and see that the people associated with the company or the management team are the usual suspects in recent pumps and dumps scheme, the higher the probability that they’re offering the same thing again.

Penny Stocks

Since the people behind the scam won’t use all of their money in the stock since they’re all about the possible earnings they can have, most pump-and-dump schemes are just penny stocks. Penny stocks are the company’s stock that trades for less than $5 per share, and these penny stocks are more prone to manipulation; that is something you must remember. Always conduct your research when considering investing in a penny stock, and don’t just rely on what you see at the surface or their advertisement. 


The right way to buy a stock dividend.

A stock dividend is the percentage of the share that will not be more than 25% of the total value of the share given by the company to the investors. Stock dividend is distributed to the shareholders just like a bonus to them for investing in their company, meaning it is a percentage returned from their investment. It is often done quarterly, which sounds suitable for potential investors. Even though the company gives you a good return, it does not mean that you are in a good position or investing your money in an excellent company. There are many things to consider before investing your money, and don’t let these kinds of returns fool you into being confident about your money being safe.

Investing in dividends can be tricky, especially if you get easily lured by the number or percentage of what you can earn. You can do whatever you want with these stock dividends. You can reinvest it to buy some shares from the same company or use it for a different company. You can cash it to save or spend it immediately to enjoy it. The company will continuously provide you with those dividends as long as possible.

The right way to buy stock dividends is first you need to evaluate the company and its record to see if you and your money are in good hands where you will expect that you will get something from the dividends you will be buying. You need to look at the percentage of the dividend you will get. Yes, we focus on the yield, but even though the company provides you with a large amount of dividend, the question is, can they maintain it and increase it as well as the value of the stock? This is why you shouldn’t get lured by the high numbers. You must look at the dividend payout ratio; if you think the company can sustain it, you are good in the long run. 

The total return is also another thing to look for. It is the return of the capital gains or the increase in stock and the dividend you get. This will show your whole return on what you invested. Be mindful of the traps in the stock dividend industry. Just like what I said earlier, you can’t trust those high yields. High yield means the stock price is going down, which is not good because you will have a capital loss which I think is more important since this makes your whole portfolio; if that stock goes down, especially, they need to make up first to those added shares because of the stock dividends provided to the shareholders, then the whole company will go down.

There is also a term called share dilution, which happens when additional stocks are added. This results in reducing the ownership of the shareholder. This also results in a decrease in each stock’s price, which may affect the capital gains. Diluted shares happen due to dividend stocks, which is why no one should be confident with the idea of a company providing a good amount of stock dividend.

This is why they say that a lower yield is much better due to the small volatility, which makes it stable as it allows the company to rise since the addition of new shares decreases the stock value. This is more profitable, and with patience, you will earn more when you allow the company to increase the price of the stocks that produce better capital gains plus the dividend you receive, which also increases depending on the company.

You will see the benefits of investing in stock dividends in the long term, but make sure to invest in a consistent company with less volatility. Also, companies give their bonus as stock dividends because they do not want to spend or release much money. This means that stock dividend is also not taxable not until the shareholder decides to sell them.

In buying a stock dividend, you must also be aware of the earnings per share, which indicates the number of profits of a company each shareholder has earned, and the calculations needed to know, so you will be aware of whether you are earning or not. The potential investor must also be mindful of the price-earning ratio that indicates the relationship between the company’s stock price and earnings per share. It means whether the fair price of the share is paid by the investor or not. Along with dividend yield, it is also considered to determine if a dividend stock is fairly valued or not compared to its peers. 

You must also identify high-quality stocks that pay dividends. You must look for a good dividend yield with the goal of having a sustainable income. You may be sacrificing at the current time, but you will be glad by the time you notice a significant increase in the stock price value and the dividends.

It is also better to research for the best dividend stocks to buy because there are a lot of companies that offer different stock dividends. You must look for what suits you and what you want. Looking for their payout ratio if you think their dividend is sustainable is better. History of raises to see if it is a good sign to invest in their company. Look if they have steady revenue and earnings growth, which is essential if you want to do it for the long term. It is also important to look for its advantages in different forms, like in terms of its technology, the cost of everything, and its brand. It is to see if their criteria suit you and work for you

Ten lessons you will have if you do not invest in the stock market

There are important lessons you need to know if you will not invest in the stock market. Even though investing in the stock market is not for all, you need to give it a chance because you can learn while doing it. Closing down the option to do stock market can be your loss because even if you don’t do it as a full-time job, you can use it to earn or get another source of income that we know everybody wants. Here are some disadvantages you might get if you won’t consider investing.

  1. You will lose the opportunity that the stock market offers. The stock market is a very risky industry to enter because you are not assured that you will earn a profit when you buy stock. When you buy the stock, your money depends on the company, meaning if the money doesn’t do well, you might have the chance to lose the money. The capital gain depends on the price of the stock, and as the investor, you need to look at the record and the company’s projections. The potential is significant. You also need to learn the tactics to prevent loss and earn money. If you have the knowledge about this stuff, this now assures you of the potential profit.
  2. If you do not invest in a stock because you think you have enough money in your savings account, then good for you. Still, you don’t see possible outcomes if you use the money instead of letting it just sit, especially in the current time when inflation increases and taxes. Come to think of it. If you let the money sit, it will be gone in no time. Instead of using the money’s potential and your ability with just a few sacrifices, you can have a better living.
  3. You will lose the chance to be more financially literate. A lot of people wonder how other people do it. The answer is that these people are not content. They become financially literate to get more and save more for the future, making them feel financially secure.
  4. You will lose the chance to have a passive income which can be helpful, especially when you are just working paycheck to paycheck. It is because there are companies that pay dividends meaning that they pay a portion of their profits to their investors. 
  5. You can have the pride of ownership of that specific company. Even though you only have the smallest percentage of them. You are still valid as the owner because you earn benefits from the company. Whether it is in the long-term or short-term. You get the liquidity of the money which is the most important.
  6. You will miss the opportunity to start small. You don’t have to buy the whole share with the help of fractional shares, meaning you will only buy a part of the company stock, then you can be part of the company.
  7. You take down the option for financial security by the time you will retire in the future. It says that the secret to how some people attain financial stability by the time they retire is through stocks. It can be long-term or short-term, but the idea that they can sell it anytime they want impresses other people.
  8. You’re missing the chance to have a liquid form of income. This means I can withdraw the stock I invested whenever I want, just like the short-term stock investment. I can get the money if I want to in just a matter of hours or days.
  9. You lose the opportunity to expand the things that you have and lose the chance to achieve financial goals. With the desire for more significant income, the stock market can be beneficial as it helps in expanding your business through your efforts.
  10. You will miss the great potential of investing. It doesn’t matter where you will be investing; as long as you have the knowledge and capability to expand your portfolio, you will not regret the decision to put the effort and time into what you are investing.

The anatomy of buying a well-dividend stock

In investing, knowing where to invest your money is important. Well, of course, that is where your money’s future will depend. If you’re planning to build up your wealth, it’s possible that dividend stock is not your primary option since it’s usually considered boring. But, if you think this is where you want to invest your hard-earned money to earn profit while you sleep, this can be a great idea. Dividend stocks are powerful financial tools you can use to quickly grow your investment or fund your daily expenses when wielded correctly.

Once you consider investing in divident stocks, knowing and choosing which one can be the tricky part. Looking for which is the perfect one will take you a lot of time. However, though there’s no such thing as a perfect stock, there are some characteristics you can look out for when choosing the right one. If you have no idea what those are, here are some key traits or qualities of a well dividend stock.

Sturdy Financial Foundation

Of course, you have to make sure that the company you’re investing in should be financially responsible, which is one thing you have to ensure. By looking at the company’s dividend payout ratio, you will be assured that the company can afford to pay the dividend they have to pay. With this, avoid companies that are saddled with excessive debts because a company with a piled-up financial obligation can be considered a financially irresponsible company. 

Companies with a lot of debt simply mean that the company’s funds are more focused on paying their debt rather than using it by committing that capital to their dividend payment programs. High interest that has to be paid together with the debt also piles up the problem, which may cause another thing that can be a problem. A company with a lot to pay can be a sign to remove it from your list of options. Like consumers who worry about their credit rating, companies have to worry about theirs too. There are ways to check the company’s credit rating that will allow you to see if the company’s debt rate is considered an “investment grade” or not. 

Another thing you can consider in a company with a sturdy financial foundation is if they are consistent in paying its dividend. But other than that, they should be reliable in letting them grow too! There’s no way that we can trust them with our money and somehow depend on our future in them if they do not have a plan to let our investments grow, which is their job in the first place. 

We can see if a company is reliable or consistent is to look at its past performance, current conditions, and intelligent projections. It should display qualities such as continuous and consistent payment of dividends in the past few years, a good history in terms of raising its dividend most years, a sustainable payout ratio, and lastly, not being involved in any form of financial difficulties, such as debt, that may be a threat to the dividends. 

When deciding to invest in a particular company, it’s a bit impossible to ask about the company’s intentions for your dividends. But if you make the right decision by investing in the right and reliable company that will provide you with a reasonable dividend payout ratio, it might help you sleep peacefully at night.

Steady Revenue Growth

Others think “sell more products, pay more dividends” is as easy as it sounds. However, aside from having a sturdy financial foundation, a company must have steady revenue growth since consistency in business is vital to keep the business going. This is where other companies struggle each year. Many factors affect the company’s revenue. May it be due to the economic crisis, the number of competitors, or the virus outbreak that happened last 2020. Examples of situations like these are technology companies that have invented a bunch of applications and services offered on the web. However, due to the internet’s popularity, other competitors have also entered the web, trying to earn the way you do, making you lose your consumers. 

Looking for a broader sector where you can foresee the product’s future performance might also help. Keep in mind that the behavior of a sector can change over time. Investing in the soft drink industry, for example, has historically been a safe bet. However, since consumers at today’s time are becoming more health-conscious, most major beverage companies have shifted their focus on healthier/alternative drink options. Although, this transition will take time. Investors should know this before putting their money into beverage company names.

Accomplishing a steady revenue may take a long time, and I tell you, it is not that easy, and not everyone can continue holding onto it over time. Making sure you have invested your funds in the right company that can manage a steady revenue will be advantageous.

To make it easier for you, look for companies that sell products purchased frequently or something people can’t live without. Products that cannot be easily affected by the economy and with a firm brand name that allows them to raise their prices over time. One company that produces products that are bought frequently is Colgate, which sells toothpaste. Since consumers have been buying and using toothpaste for generations and are not directly affected by the economy, Colgate has raised and paid its dividends for 58 consecutive years. 

Dividend Growth

If you have no idea what dividend growth is, it distinguishes a company from “fixed income” investments like bank accounts and bonds and its capacity to increase its dividend. Companies may not increase their dividends regularly. At the same time, some raise their dividends but do not pay out much of a dividend. Suppose you want to know precisely the company’s dividend growth; you must examine dividend growth alone, separating it from the dividend’s size. 

The dividend growth rate of a stock frequently mirrors the company’s earnings growth rate. That’s good because it gives you the assurance that the management will continue to pay dividends to shareholders at a steady rate of earnings. Of course, yield and growth rate work together to determine your overall dividend return. To calculate this, simple math is used. Let’s say that on the day you buy a stock, it yields 2.5 percent. The yield on your initial investment will be 2.9% in year two, 3.3% in year three, and so forth if the corporation increases its dividend by 15% annually. In less than five years, your individual yield will double.

Additionally, if a company has a good dividend growth history, it demonstrates that the company is doing something right. However, past performance does not guarantee that it will continue to increase its dividend in the future. It will give you confidence that it will have a higher probability of receiving dividend growth when compared to another company that has never increased its dividend. To identify companies that have a good dividend growth history, the company should have resisted inflation, should have a moat or a competitive advantage, and must have a dividend growth year after year for at least the last five years.

Decreased Number of Shares

The greatest investor, Warren Buffet, is fond of decreased number of outstanding shares, which is certainly a good characteristic of a well-dividend stock. Since good companies that can earn and increase their profits are the ones who can generate continuous cash flows, it allows them to repurchase their stock. Companies usually do this, or what is usually called stock buyback, whenever the price of their stocks goes less than its intrinsic value. They can also buyback it when they think the price of their current stock is attractive.

To know how this works, there are two ways: (1) Stock repurchase increases the value of each share, providing each shareholder with a greater percentage of the company without the investor having to do anything. (2) Decreasing the number of outstanding shares also helps to boost earnings per share (EPS) since there will be fewer shares in the market, leading to increased shares.

Together with company’s number of shares, knowing the company’s Earning per Share (EPS) will also be an advantage to you. If the earnings per share increase, the company is earning and doing well. Since earning is the life of the company, which allows it to grow and survive continuously, increasing it will be good for the company and its stakeholders, and can be a competitive advantage to its competitors. A business that can consistently raise EPS will be able to afford to boost dividend payments to shareholders. A corporation can differentiate its goods to be much more appealing than its competitors with a great brand and business. They will be able to raise their pricing and, as a result, will boost their revenue.

Five long-term trading tips in just 30 minutes for beginners

As a beginner, it’s very common to look for tips that can help and guide you through investing, especially if you’re looking forward to long-term trading. Since this is a complex and risky job, I may say it takes a lot of research and learning before you try and test the waters. There are many risks to consider and a lot of knowledge you must learn to prepare for the battle. 

Asking for tips from someone older or someone who already has an experience with the nature of stock trading is a huge help when you’re trying to learn a thing or two. Of course, experience is something that you can’t learn from books. As long as we can find strategies that will give us a headstart, that would be great. Studying this world may not be as easy as it sounds, but here are some tips that I can offer for beginners in terms of long-term trading.

Organize your finances.

Since the main tool when investing is your money, of course, it’s best to set your finances in order first before setting up a plan to invest so you’ll have an idea of how much money you will or can invest. Start by setting aside some of your money for a reasonable debt management plan, and know that it is crucial to set aside for an emergency fund as well. Finishing these financial tasks first will ensure that you can use the money you allotted for investing for a long time. Instances, where you have to withdraw your long-term investment may cause some tax implications and prevent you from obtaining profit gains.

Setting an investing goal is also a good idea. Always know why you want to build up your wealth and know how much money you can risk. Is it to pay for your children’s future? Your retirement? Or to save up for your dream home? It’s a standard rule not to invest the money you will use within the next three to five years, especially if you’re aiming for a long-term investment. Since the stock market can fluctuate over a short period and it’s unpredictable when you will lose or gain, it’s not suggested to use your money that you cannot risk.

Together with this, also consider the fees that you must pay. Fund expense ratios are the annual cost you must pay to run your fund each year. Financial advisory fees are a fee whenever you receive an investment or financial advice on your decision. And lastly, a long-term impact fee.

Be knowledgeable

Knowing how the world of investing works might give you an advantage in your investing plans. Having enough knowledge to support your strategy will provide it with a higher probability to let you maximize your profit. For starters, you should know which stocks to avoid. Investing in the right company or stock might ensure your portfolio and will ensure you retain your chance of gaining. 

Some of the stocks you must avoid are: (1) Rapidly growing companies. It might be tempting to invest in them to build up your wealth faster, but it’s best to build up your portfolio first before stepping into the big game. (2) Businesses you don’t understand. Do not consider investing if you can’t understand how the company works and what they do. There are many options out there, and you should not settle for something you can’t comprehend. (3) Penny stocks. These are the company’s stock that trades for less than $5 per share, and these are the stocks that are easily manipulated. Most of the time is part of the pump-and-dump scheme. Investing in them is not a good way and must be avoided.

Another thing is, understanding the stock investment metrics will help you determine if it’s a good or bad business to invest in. Some basic metrics you must understand are (1) Price-to-Earnings Ratio, which is how much the company is worth. (2) Price-to-Earning Growth Ration is the relationship between the company’s expected growth, the price of the stock, and the earnings generated per share. Lastly, (3) Payout Ratio is the portion of the company’s earnings given to its shareholders in the form of dividends.

Create a strategy

Once you have organized your finances and found the best stock to invest in, you should start creating a strategy you will follow on your investing journey. This will narrow down the options and guide you to where to set your assets. It’s always good to have a guideline that you can follow whenever you lose track. But in reality, you always do what you think is right for you.

Stacy Francis, a well-known financial expert, suggests dividing your long-term investment into three different baskets based on your goal’s target date. Invest less in your goal with the shortest timeline, and invest more in the goal with the longest timeline. Keep your portfolio invested with only around 50% up to 60% on stocks, and you can invest the rest in bonds. If you’re more of an aggressive investor, 85% up to 90% invested in stocks will be fine.

Let’s say you’ve already devised a well-planned strategy and committed yourself to sticking with it; always check your strategy periodically if you have to make some adjustments. You can also do the same with your portfolio, ensuring all your allocations are still on target. Observe things that might have changed in your situation too. See if you also have to make an adjustment to your lifestyle to prevent sudden changes with the money you invested.

Diversify your portfolio

Diversifying your funds will be an advantage for you to have a range of stocks you can own in a fund. Imagine if you invested your funds broadly, you’d own stocks for at least a hundred companies across different industries. Diversifying your funds and investing in different stocks reduces your risk, which might hurt your portfolio’s overall performance and might also improve your overall returns. Based on what I’ve mentioned earlier, having your funds in different baskets will be an advantage.

Diversifying your funds does not only mean investing in different stocks. You can also invest and spread your funds across various industries. Looking for a “wide moat” might also be an advantage to avoid risks in your investment. Consider a sustainable competitive advantage in a company you’re investing too, ensuring that competitors will not steal the company’s market share.

Advantages in the “wide moat” can come in many forms. They may be difficult to spot, but these are some common categories you can consider when looking for a company with a sustainable competitive advantage. (1) Cost advantage. It is when the company can provide a lower product or service price than the competitors. (2) Network Effect. Since the internet’s popularity, many products or services are offered on the web. More people will be persuaded to use or purchase what the company offers if the product or service becomes valuable. (3) Intangible Assets are the company’s assets that can protect the company against its competitors. This can be in the form of a brand name, trademark, copyright, goodwill, as well as software. 

Since you’re aiming for a long-term investment, you must develop patience if you want to stay in the game of long-term investment. Avoiding looking at your portfolio might help you to prevent developing emotions that can affect your decisions, especially for beginners who have to practice managing their psychological stock market. One tip that you can use is setting a schedule when you have to evaluate your portfolio. This way, you will be sticking to the strategy you have created, and it might prevent you from selling out your stock due to impulsive decisions caused by emotions.

If you think that you’re starting to earn from your investments, adding your profited money back into your investment can be a great way to build wealth. However, this technique will require strong saving discipline, which means putting some of your paychecks into the market and budgeting the money left for you. You can adopt this process over time as long as you keep your emotions out of the process.

Be Confident

Setting yourself up for success by gaining confidence with all the preparation you have done might be complicated and tricky. You can start by looking for educational tools, investment research, seminars, or workshops that can help you start your career in investing or guide you all the way through the path you’re planning to take. Being confident means, you have prepared for all the possibilities you might face, and are knowledgeable and ready for it. Being confident also means allotting a space for mistakes or unexpected outcomes where you can assess these things using the knowledge you have gained over the past studies that you made and starting over with new information you just learned thanks to the mistake you have committed.

How can you say that the stock you bought is for the long-term or short-term? How can you say it’s feasible?

In terms of investment, it is necessary to look if it is for the long term or short term only. Identify if the capital asset is for a long-term or a short-term investment; it depends on how long you hold that specific asset. If it is more than one year of held assets, it can be considered long-term. They even sometimes reach a decade before they pull or sell the stocks they have in that company which, in return, is the considerable amount of money they have invested after all those years. But if it is just in one year or less, it can be considered a short-term investment. 

A capital asset is applied in stock and with bonds, precious metals, jewelry, and real estate. But, of course, they differ in how you evaluate their value over time. In the case of the stocks, you should look at past earnings and future projections to see if you will have good capital gains in those specific stocks. Capital gains happen when you sell your stocks higher than the original price. In that sense, you earned a good profit. It is better to study first the company you will be buying the stocks from because if the projection is good, their stocks can multiply the amount of money you will be investing. This is why investors prefer the long-term since it holds value, can be stable over time, and is less tricky than the short-term investment.

In terms of short-term investment in stocks, it is suitable for investors who prefer a fluid flow of money, meaning that they can manipulate their cash and withdraw anytime they want. But the downside of the short-term investment is that it has a lower rate of return due to the time it only has to raise, which makes it another reason for investors to choose the long term over the short term.

During the holding period, when you have the stocks, you can see the gains and losses of the company, meaning we can see the value of our capital asset rise and fall. The asset owner can only decide whether they will sell their stocks. Buying and selling stock is feasible, whether in long-term or short-term investing. It is because there is a capital gain; it just depends on the term you are doing. Again, both terms have pros and cons, but it generates income, which is why it is feasible. 

Some people decided to be full-time trader because they saw the potential or the opportunity of stocks, especially in today’s generation, where globalization is rising and, with the help of global markets being interlinked, enhances the exchanges and contributes to the worldwide economy. Stocks are feasible with the ambition and patience of the trader because both long and short term requires different approaches that the trader needs to perform in order to succeed in the profession. For example, in the long term, you need patience because this doesn’t happen in one night. You need to be patient if you really want this to succeed and if you want something to happen. 

For example, the Nike brand is known for its distinctive logo, “swoosh,” which was designed by the Portland State student Carolyn Davidson whom they hired around the year the 1980s. Then the company paid her 75 dollars for the design that they are still using up today but other than that, they also gave her 500 shares of the company. Then they later revealed the value of the stocks they gave to Davidson. It is said that it was worth close to 1 million in the year 2010 that she never sold and may be bigger today. The Nike swoosh designer feels overwhelmed when she said in one interview that it makes her proud to see her logo design every day and what Nike contributes to her life. 

Same with the short term, which is more speculative and tricky. It generates income from the sales of your investment, which can sometimes offer the potential for a higher return than the longer term. This applies to traders who do not want their money just to sit, especially when the time comes when they need it immediately. But to be good in short-term stock trading, you need to spot the opportunities where you will be making money, but also you need to protect yourself from the danger of it because anytime, you may lose the money and not earn the profit that you wanted. As I said, it is considered short-term stock investing when it is less than a year. They can buy and sell a stock the same day or maybe a week. It is because they look at the factors like the stock’s price and whether they will profit from it. It is unpredictable, which makes it very risky. That is why traders or analysts use chart patterns in order to attempt to forecast the market and hint at what is coming. 

When the stock is trending upward, it can be an opportunity for capital gains, and when the stock trends downward, this could be an opportunity to short the stock. The best advantage of short-term stock trading is that you can get your money quickly, but the difference with long-term trading is that you can’t compare the profit or capital gains you will get because you are working in just a small amount of time. Stocks are very feasible as long as you know or you have the tactics in that kind of investment, and it is also good to see the risk that can deeply affect your investment in the industry you have chosen.



Stocks that can be held for a long term, for at least five to ten years

If you’re planning to go for a long-term investment, choosing which stock to hold on to for a long time is necessary. Making sure that the quality of your stock has compounded adds more to its quantities and will build up better returns or profits in the future. Selling your stocks impulsively due to fear or simply your psychological stock market might affect your portfolio and prevent you from gaining better profits from your investment. That is why making sure that the stocks you invested in will reap you greater earnings in the future will assure you that you will earn.

Here are some options you can consider to save time from looking for companies that will guarantee you earnings after holding your stock for a long time.


Microsoft has steadily increased its sales as one of the world’s largest companies, and its emphasis on frequently occurring, or subscription-based, income sources is especially appealing for dividend investors. The company has a strong balance sheet, with much more cash than liabilities and a meager dividend payout, which allows for significant dividend increases. Given its 12-year streak of dividend increases, Microsoft could become a Dividend Aristocrat. Its low yield of 1.1% isn’t exciting, and 2022 has been a challenging year for the stock, but it has an excellent long-term track record of outperforming the market in total returns.

Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson already has a portfolio of outstanding brands that produce products that people need in their daily necessities, particularly healthcare items. Johnson & Johnson has vast and consistently profitable operations in pharmaceuticals and medical devices, in addition to its well-known consumer brands; this pairing has enabled the company to boost its dividend for 60 years. This scope of healthcare brands, pharmaceuticals, and medical equipment is unparalleled and has proven to be a massive profit generator. However, management believes that this “conglomerate” structure has confined the corporation’s ability to focus resources and has announced plans to separate the consumer goods business into a different business in late 2021. The split is scheduled for 2023, with current shareholders gaining shares in both companies.

American Express

Financial services, like consumer and business lending, are another source of top dividend stocks, with American Express being one of the finest. American Express has a long history of increasing or retaining its dividend in all economic environments. This is due to its high-quality lending practices and focuses on higher-income customers that are less likely to default on their debt payments during difficult economic times. This makes it both a secure long-term investment and a credible source of dividends, and an option to purchase during bear markets when its stock may fall despite the company’s strong performance.

Mastercard Inc

Mastercard Inc is one of the stocks that Warren Buffets has suggested if you opt for a long-term investment. While most consumers resumed spending by the summer, the manner in which they used their credit cards had changed for obvious reasons. People have replaced travel purchases with online shopping and food delivery since they switched to contactless payments—one of the Covid-era changes we believe will last. Customers spent more on debit cards and less on credit cards, with Visa and Mastercard earning more for each transaction. They also profit more from cross-border transactions, which are primarily the result of international travel, which ceased early in the pandemic. Earnings per share at Visa and Mastercard fell by 7% and 16%, respectively, as opposed to their normal pre-growth. However, the company is still not worried since people are starting to adjust to the new normal; the number is catching up with Mastercard’s stock return of 20.2% compared to Visa’s 17.1%


This year, Amazon.com made headlines by conducting a 20-for-1 share buyback. However, the excitement surrounding that news has gradually disappeared as the stock price has plummeted. AMZN stock is trading roughly 40% below its all-time highs, having lost most of its COVID-era gains. The shares are slightly greater than four years ago, during the summer of 2018. Yet here’s the thing: Amazon has had its ups and downs. During the late 2018 bear market, the shares fell by over 30%, and they lost a quarter of their worth or more in 2011, 2014, and 2016. And then there was 2008 when the stock lost nearly two-thirds of its value. Every time AMZN experienced a setback, it recovered stronger. Naturally, Amazon is a larger, more profitable organization than it was compared to what it was used to. It also deals with standard rough patches for a company of its size, such as mass protests and political interference.


Target unintentionally has become the leading example for everything ailing the economy throughout 2022. When consumers diverted more of their purchases on travel, experiences, and new office attire, the company’s inventory, which began the year generally evaluated to home goods, electronics, and other goods prominent amidst the pandemic, suddenly made things a lot less sense. Target’s costs increase when its low- and middle-income customers are tight on cash and unable to absorb cost increases on their own. Despite this, Target’s management is not bothered since its dividend has raised to 20% earlier this year. The shares may be cheap, but the trading can be 17 times its earnings and seems like a safe bet to invest in since it has survived challenges such as deflation, inflation, and everything in between.


Not everyone may not knows this, but Alphabet is Google’s parent. Just like Amazon, they also conducted a 20-for-1 stock split, and the company has struggled after that. However, Alphabet’s stocks aren’t “cheap” as they invest at 4.8 times sales. However, this is a significant decrease from a price-to-sales (P/S) ratio during the 8s in the past year or so. Regarding price-to-earnings (P/E), GOOGL trades at a not-quite outrageous 18 times trailing profits. Alphabet is the only stock that can justify such a high multiple. Despite its massive size, the company enjoyed 13% quarterly growth in revenue and a nearly 30% return on equity (RoE) last quarter.


We all had a terrible time since the virus outbreak in 2020, and a lot has started to change, especially in terms of payment to avoid physical contact. Although the financial industry is vulnerable to transition, the cryptocurrency discussion has gotten out of hand. While Paypal may still need to be ready for the big leagues, it is now one of the most well-established players in this developing new ecosystem. Given its popularity due to its worldwide access, Paypal is commonly used even in our country. It has become essential to all freelancers who want to transact with customers abroad and has been very helpful in managing one’s finances. PayPal’s stock is now significantly down to 70% from its recent peak and trades at 4.1 times sales. That’s the lowest they’ve ever been in PayPal’s history as a public financial company. If it still doesn’t interest you, even if it’s already 70%, you’re clearly letting go of a huge opportunity.

Realty Income

Investment trusts in real estate investors are typically concerned with dividend yield, and with bond rates as low as they have become in past years, countless shareholders have begun to see REITs as a viable alternative to bonds. Realty Income is as close to a bond as you can possibly get while also being a stock. Realty Income has a competitive 4.8% dividend yield. However, unlike bond cash flows, which never change, it increases its dividend annually. Realty Income tends to raise its dividend four times a year! The REIT has increased its dividend for such an outstanding 100 quarters in a row. Realty Income will not make you wealthy. However, you still generate a continuous safe dividend income. 

Walt Disney

This may be a questionable suggestion, but I assure you it’s worth considering. Despite the abuse it has experienced this past few years, because of the growing competition in the online streaming space, Disney+’s growth story appears less compelling. Rising prices and workforce shortages have also exacerbated the situation. All of these factors have contributed to the stock has loss of more than half its value since its peak in 2021. However, we shouldn’t underestimate Mickey Mouse. After all, Disney is the most recognizable brand in family travel and entertainment, and it owns all of the most valuable media companies in history, including the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars. And, following the stock price decline, Disney trades at levels last seen in 2014 and has a forward P/E ratio of only 18. Throughout the years, as a public company, the business has endured and prospered across numerous downturns.

15 best ways to find the best stock in the market

You may be prepared for your investment plans, but choosing where to invest will take a lot of time and research before finding the right one. You must take note of many considerations and research before deciding if you should or should not consider a company as one of your options. Finding the best stock in the market can be tricky, but here are the best ways to help you.

Determine your goal

With the help of your investment portfolio, try to think about your goals in investing. Either you want growth or stability of earning some extra cash. With help of your investment goals, it will help you look for a stock you will buy. Stocks with good dividend yields, continuous cash flow, and earnings supporting the dividends and other factors must be considered.

Look for a company you understand

If you invest in a company you don’t understand, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Understanding what the company does or offers should be clear to you. If you still can’t comprehend what the company is, consider other stock offers around you. Don’t ever settle for something you don’t understand. Looking for companies that indirectly affect you can be a good start.

Wide Moat or Competitive Advantage

Suppose you have listed the companies you’re considering investing in. You should start narrowing the list depending on the company’s competitive advantage. Assess how much the company affects the economy or society and how much it can grow, and consider the durability of the company’s advantage. Advantages can be in any form. It can be the company’s brand name, switching cost, or even network effect.

Too good to be true

Starters in investing may be easily attracted by the values and can be deceived and tempted to invest in something they think is excellent and fascinating. They may see a stock in the market that’s too good to be true; chances are, it is. Common mistakes made by beginners are being drawn to stocks that offer attractive valuation metrics, such as their price-earning ratio. However, although this may seem an attractive stock, this is commonly called a “value trap.” Stock that yields high can be considered a red flag since there may be reasons due to its value metrics. Reasons can be stocks that have fallen dramatically or past dividends are deemed unsustainable.

Stock Price

There are different ways to evaluate the stock’s price and determine whether it’s a good value or not. Try looking into the stock’s price-to-earnings ratio, the company’s worth, the Price-to-sales ratio, the valuation metric for stocks, and discounted cash flow modeling used to value a business.

Revenue growth

Stock prices typically rise only when a business is expanding. And raising revenue is among the few ways a company can develop. Revenue is often termed the “top line,” a major indicator of a company’s success. It is critical not to consider revenue in isolation. Instead, consider the revenue increase or decrease from one quarter to another.

Earnings per share

Because shareholders would not want to overpay for a stock, earnings per share (EPS) can be a driver of stock prices. In general, the greater the EPS, the improved the company’s financial position. However, the best scope for EPS is frequently debated, and companies can modify it by repurchasing shares and pumping up EPS without maximizing profits.


Searching for companies with high dividends is easy, as well as looking for their dividend yield,  thanks to our access to the internet.  So when a company’s dividend has been sustained or increased, it indicates that the company is in good shape. Dividend cuts are frequently interpreted negatively. It’s important to note that several excellent companies don’t pay out dividends since they prefer to reinvest their profits.

Market Capitalization

Larger is not necessarily better. However, if you wish to invest in a stock that can offer you consistent growth without such a lot of uncertainty, the biggest corporations are frequently your excellent option. A company’s market capitalization is primarily the total value of its shares. Companies with huge market capitalizations are often large and diverse enough to be unaffected by a minor case of bad news.

Historical Prices

Every business experiences ups and downs. However, if you intend to invest long-term, you must consider further than a single company’s financial report or current share price performance. Taking a look at its five-year, ten-year, and even fifteen-year rates of return can help you assess whether a company can endure adversity. Historical returns do not provide an assurance of future performance. However, they may be helpful as examples.

Analyst Reports

Numerous stock brokers and investment firms employ data analysis analysts who produce reports and make suggestions or advice on stock prices. These reports frequently include “buy” or “sell” evaluations predicated on the analysts’ assessment of a company’s shares and finances. It’s crucial to note that analysts frequently disagree, so don’t base your decision on a single report.


It is usually necessary to investigate a stock and the industry in which the business operates. This will give you an idea about whether a particular line of business or sector is having problems or performing well. For example, when assessing a company like McDonald’s, you should examine the whole fast fast-food and restaurant industry to understand better how Americans eat out. Taking a closer look at a stock from this perspective will assist you in comprehending whether any positive or negative impacts aren’t immediately represented in a company’s stock price or balance sheet.

Economic Indicators

No matter how difficult it tries, a company cannot handle everything that may impact its operation. The rest of the country’s economy and the entire world can significantly impact a company’s health and share efficiency. Price increases, the rate of unemployment, and interest rate changes can all have an effect on the way a business works on its own. Although the stock market and the economic system are distinct entities, they are inextricably linked. In general, whenever the economy does well, businesses do well, and share growth follows. Similarly, stock prices can delay during periods of slow economic growth or economic instability.

Know the Risk

The final point to remember about picking stocks would be that your portfolio may consistently fluctuate in and out for reasons unknown to the individual stocks you hold. External factors that no single business or board member can handle or prevent can inhibit even the best-chosen long-term stock holdings. This broader market risk cannot be eliminated, but shareholders can minimize company-specific risks through diversification.

Margin of Safety

To know your safety margin, always remember to purchase a company’s stock below your estimated fair price. According to Warren Buffett, buying within your margin of safety will prevent you from losing. If your calculation is wrong, and you end up buying way over your estimated fair price, you risk your funds where you can lose them. If you’re planning to purchase a stock that provides stable earnings or a strong outlook, you don’t need to offer a wide margin of safety. Allocating 10% off of your target price will be enough.



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