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What do you need to sacrifice to earn Php500,000 in the stock market IN 2023?


What do you need to sacrifice to earn Php500,000 in the stock market


The majority of people think that making considerable sacrifices is necessary in order to build money from nothing. They don’t even begin because they don’t want to lose their existing way of life or the things they now purchase that make them happy. Even during a down market, you must maintain your investment plan with consistency and dedication. With just P500 every month, you can start building money. The only requirements are having a solid strategy, selecting the ideal investment, and exercising discipline. As a result, even if you don’t think the market is in excellent shape or believe it will decline and would rather wait, you will need to consistently deposit those P500 each month into your investment account.


If investing were a game, buying a stock at a discount and selling it at a better price later on would be the way to win. If you own a home, you have a very concrete understanding of this idea. It’s usually better to employ one of two tactics in order to generate a profit on your investment. Value investment is considered the first. Value investors wait for the right time for stocks to go on sale, just like the goods you buy every day. This makes it more simpler to turn a profit because cheap (on sale) equities have greater room to increase in value.


You’ll have to temporarily stop pursuing your passion. You won’t always become wealthy through your passion. Because of this, in order to mature, you occasionally need to put your passion on hold until you are strong enough to pursue it.  You will use your standard research and evaluation techniques in this situation. If you decide to invest, once you’ve found your company, aim for it to be anywhere in the center or at the bottom of the 52-week trading range. Find another business if it isn’t there right away and wait for it to offer you the pricing you want. There are several deserving contenders for this tactic.


1st Sacrifice

The first sacrifice we must make is to stick to a budget and refrain from using up all of our money. There isn’t a way to avoid it. If you are unable to limit your expenditure, disregard your income. Anyhow, you’re going to spend it all. This is a sacrifice that many individuals are making on a societal as well as a personal level. Many of us exist in a bubble where our identity is determined by what we possess. Unbelievably, this fundamental fact has a significant impact on our buying patterns. We’ll feel inferior if you don’t get that new car like our pals just did.


Many investors, particularly beginners, have a propensity to view profit as an immediate return on their assets. As a result, when they don’t achieve the anticipated outcomes, they become frustrated, panic sell, or cease investing.


2nd sacrifice

For the majority of us, financial freedom will result from three vectors: income, savings, and investments. We’ll probably need to work harder or longer hours if we want a raise. The idea still holds true if you work on a contract basis. Either you have to become an expert in something, or your clients will improve. You will need to invest extra time in order to do it in any case. Invest in your own development, acquire new skills, or start a side venture. There are more options than you might realize for raising your income. The initial action needs to be taken by us.


Therefore, giving up your desire for instant gratification with your money is another sacrifice you must make in order to produce more money and manage your finances as you should.


3rd sacrifice

The majority of us are content with a savings account’s 1% interest rate because we believe the money is secure and will never lose value. Our money is being eaten away by inflation, yet we prefer to do nothing about it. The truth is that every year, prices on everything around us rise. So while financially we are losing money, psychologically we are not. We need to invest our money in things that will help us outpace inflation if we want to stop it. In other words, we have to take more risks and embrace volatility as part of the journey.


Let’s try to think of your salary and earnings as being 50% less than what they are in order for this remark to make sense. This implies that even if you make P2,000 a month, you will only have P1,000 if you choose so. You won’t spend money you don’t have as long as you understand how to use credit so you’ll always have money to invest.


The benefit of this “sacrifice” is that, after saving P500, you’ll ultimately figure out a way to save P1000, and then more and more. When you are clear about your objectives, you will stop viewing them as a sacrifice and start viewing them as a means of realizing your aspirations.


Instead of just saving for what you want, develop a new source of income for non-budget items. Therefore, giving up your desire for instant gratification with your money is another sacrifice you must make in order to produce more money and manage your finances as you should. You should begin to think of the items you want as a present you might receive if you reach a new financial objective by completing unfinished assignments. Therefore, giving up your desire for instant gratification with your money is another sacrifice you must make in order to produce more money and manage your finances as you should.


You should begin to think of the items you want as a present you might receive if you reach a new financial objective by completing unfinished assignments. Always consider both the advantages and disadvantages of a business, investment, or real estate opportunity, and don’t just assume that you can’t invest there because of your personal convictions.


One of the most valuable resources you have is your time. Even if you have nothing, you can make a lot of money by working hard. Others use their time to develop, work on their projects, or learn, which doesn’t seem as fun as all of the above, but many individuals utilize it to do things they enjoy, sleep more, or fool about. But making this modest sacrifice will get them one step closer to their objectives, and done right, it can produce excellent outcomes. That entails trading what we perceive to be safe for what is less safe in order to achieve larger rewards.



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Disclaimer: Information on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We are not financial advisors, and our content should not be taken as professional recommendations. Consult a qualified financial advisor before making any decisions. We are not liable for any losses resulting from reliance on our content.


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Gracia Amor