Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s of the Stone by J.K Rowling

Harry potter spends the first few chapters of the novel living with his harsh and uncaring family, the Dursleys. They go to tremendous measures to keep him from discovering his magical ancestry. Despite the Dursleys’ best attempts, Hagrid, the gentle giant and Hogwarts Keeper of Keys, comes on a flying motorcycle to deliver Harry’s admission letter.

This is a key occasion since it symbolizes Harry’s first encounter with the magical world and acts as the impetus for his epic quest. Readers are captivated by Hagrid’s spectacular entrance and the ensuing revelation of Harry’s identity, which sets the stage for the magical adventures that follow.

“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”

Author Profile

J.K. Rowling is the author of the famous novel fiction series written under the pen name Robert Galbraith, the Harry Potter book series, and several stand-alone books for adults and children.

The Harry Potter book series has been translated into 85 languages, sold over 600 million copies globally, and adapted into eight highly successful films. Subsequent cohorts of readers continue to discover and derive pleasure from these literary works.

10 Lessons from the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

  1. The Power of Love: Love is a recurring motif in the series. Harry’s mother’s sacrifice, the value of friendship, and the strength of love in conquering evil are recurring themes.
  2. Characters like Harry, Hermione, and Ron regularly demonstrate bravery in facing danger. The series emphasizes that bravery is the ability to confront fear rather than the absence of fear.
  3. Friendship is important because the relationships between Harry, Ron, and Hermione are solid and long-lasting. In battling hardships, the series emphasizes the importance of true friendship.
  4. Standing Up to Injustice: The series’ protagonists, particularly Harry, speak out against injustice, discrimination, and oppression. They motivate readers to stand up to injustice and strive for a more just and inclusive world.
  5. Characters frequently make sacrifices for the greater good. The series emphasizes the necessity of putting others before oneself, from Harry’s willingness to sacrifice himself to others’ deeds of bravery.
  6. Characters confront a variety of difficulties and disappointments, but they persevere. The series shows that conquering life’s hardships requires resilience.
  7. Moral Ambiguity: The “Harry Potter” books examine moral ambiguity by depicting persons and situations in shades of gray rather than black and white. It encourages readers to think critically about what is right and wrong.
  8. Characters such as Hermione emphasize the significance of knowledge and education. Knowledge is portrayed as a formidable weapon against ignorance and bigotry.
  9. Characters, including Harry, make errors and learn from them. The series teaches that mistakes are chances for growth and learning, not excuses to be ashamed of oneself.
  10. The Power Within: Each individual has distinct talents and abilities. The series encourages readers to find and appreciate their unique qualities and believe in their ability to make a positive differences.

My Thoughts

Harry Potter’s first encounter with Hagrid and the magical world is a pivotal moment in the series. It marks the beginning of Harry’s journey from a mundane, unhappy life with the Dursleys to discovering his true identity and entering the wizarding realm. Hagrid’s dramatic entrance on a flying motorcycle not only grabs the reader’s attention but also emphasizes the contrast between Harry’s ordinary life and the extraordinary world he’s about to enter

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