In the novel The Alchemist, Santiago encounters an elderly crystal dealer at a Tangier crystal shop. The merchant had once hoped to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, but life’s difficulties had compelled him to relinquish his ambition. He was content with his current status, which included running a modest shop and living with unfulfilled dreams.
The crystal dealer shares Santiago’s ambition of discovering a treasure in the Egyptian pyramids. Despite his initial skepticism, the merchant is moved by Santiago’s enthusiasm and tells him he regrets not pursuing his desire. Santiago advises the businessman to journey to Mecca to satisfy a long-held dream.
Author Profile

Paulo Coelho is the author of the best-selling “The Alchemist” and was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1947. He is a highly acclaimed author with a global readership, having authored 30 books that have sold over 320 million copies across 170 countries. Since 2007, Paulo Coelho has served as a United Nations Messenger of Peace, allowing him to continue to promote international understanding and focus on the needs of children. Paulo Coelho de Souza is a Brazilian author and lyricist who has been a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters since 2002. Published in 1988, his novel The Alchemist achieved global success and became a best-selling book.
10 Lessons from the book The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
- Follow your dreams: Pursuing your legend and following your goals are the most essential instructions in the book. Santiago’s expedition teaches us that despite the apparent difficulty of the journey, we should never give up on our aspirations.
- The universe aligns itself to assist us: The book teaches us that the universe is perpetually conspiring to assist us in attaining our goals. We should believe in the process and trust that everything will ultimately function in our favor.
- Learn to pay attention to your heart: Santiago’s transformation into an individual who follows his intuition and learns to follow his emotions demonstrates the significance of having faith in one’s inner voice and basing decisions on one’s desires and values.
- Embrace the process, rather than solely focusing on the end goal: Rather than focusing solely on the endpoint, the book emphasizes the significance of the voyage itself. It advises savoring each moment of the journey and deriving knowledge from the experiences encountered.
- Everything is related to everything else: Santiago becomes acquainted with the notion of the Soul of the World, which imparts the understanding that all entities within the cosmos are interrelated and urges us to treat the natural world with reverence and accuracy.
- Fear is a normal component of the process: The book teaches us that fear is an inherent component of the voyage and that we must learn to accept and utilize it to cultivate personal development.
- Personal development demands taking risks: The book teaches us that to achieve our goals and experience personal development, we must frequently go beyond our comfort zones and undertake calculated risks.
- The value of tenacity: Santiago’s voyage demonstrates that determination and perseverance are critical qualities that can assist us in surmounting challenges and attaining our objectives.
- The significance of simplicity: The book encourages readers to value the minor pleasures and gratifications that come with the reduction in complexity of life. It emphasizes the significance of simplicity.
- The power of love: Santiago’s affection for Fatima is the novel’s central motif and teaches us that love is a formidable force capable of inspiring and fortifying us throughout our endeavors.
My Thoughts
The encounter between Santiago and the crystal dealer in “The Alchemist” highlights the themes of dreams, regrets, and choices. The dealer, who abandoned his dream of going to Mecca, represents those who settle for less due to life’s difficulties. His regret serves as a warning to Santiago about the cost of unfulfilled dreams. Santiago’s advice to pursue the dream underscores the novel’s message that it is never too late to chase aspirations. This moment shows the power of enthusiasm and courage, reinforcing the idea that overcoming fear and complacency is key to true fulfillment.

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