‘Tis the season of giving thanks so let me start by wishing you and yours a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
Today a friendly stranger sent me a long and warm thought, a message with words of support and encouragement on my move. She offered her own story of facing OFW life the fear of moving to a new country and reassured me that leaping into the unknown was one of the most rewarding and life-enriching experiences of her life. The message was so full of triumphs and obstacles – and she’s a mere stranger. And this is super amazing for me.

Ever since I launch these two books  I receive private messages  (pm)  from people who share their stories of life as OFW  and triumphs life.

Thankful here – how perfect strangers can reach out, share, and send love, even if it’s through a virtual means.

Many of you read my blogs and have followed me through my different life experiences. In a sense, you have watched me grow up in this world.

Some of you readers have been there from the beginning – you’ve witnessed me through different sides of my life, from changes to breakthroughs and ever-evolving perspectives. I want to take a moment and say ‘Thank You Very Much’. I would have never had the courage to share my blogs if it wasn’t for the love and support from the community. Every ‘like’, comment, email, pms, and second you spend reading my articles is appreciated. You are the reason I write.

That message I received this morning before Christmas made my heart smile. I was so touched that someone had such kindness to take the time to write me such appreciative words. I felt understood, appreciated,

It shows that you never know how a gesture, regardless of how small it may seem, can have such a profound and positive impact on someone else life.

Social media often gets a bad wrap for creating a culture of self-promotion and A.D.D. But there’s so much power in this digital age – the ability for perfect strangers to connect, support, and change the lives of other people for the better and it is profound. COVID19 Kuwait OFW GUIDEBOOK 2020 COVID19 Kuwait OFW GUIDEBOOK 2020

I write about topics that are often guides for kababayans because there is too much need for it.  But if we don’t talk about these themes that are prevalent in our life as OFW how can we evolve our perspectives and support one another?

If one of my blogs can help one other person, I feel the energy, the love and the perspective that could create positive change and impact, then to me, that is a success. I encourage you to help more and give love – talk about the topics that are considered to be too uncomfortable. Strive to be authentic, not perfect.  Share your vulnerability – that’s what enables humans to connect even not OFWs. And know that there is always someone listening – so be mindful of what you do put out there.

“As William Arthur Ward wrote, “Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joys, and change opportunities into blessings.”

ABOUT THE BOOK You can check more information about the contents of the book and the purpose here;

The Covid-19 Guidebook First Edition has Finally Launched! | DIARY NI GRACIA

The Covid-19 Guidebook Second Edition has Finally Launched! | DIARY NI GRACIA

You may check also this;
Your Ultimate Access to Kuwait Directories in this COVID-19 Crisis | DIARY NI GRACIA

And I’d like to end this year 2020  with a big thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for reading and for helping me grow as a writer. But most of all thank you for being a part of my journey…

A blessed Merry Christmas and Prosperous 2021! 


With much love and gratitude,


“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17)

For suggestions,  questions, and more information about the book, or how to get a copy of the ebook or printed copy please contact

icare @ diarynigracia (dot) com. 


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And you may follow my Instagram account featuring microliterature #microlit and more of my artworks at DIARY NI GRACIA INSTAGRAM.


The Covid-19 Guidebook Second Edition has Finally Launched!

Ang Natatanging Aklat ni Bebang

Thank You, Sir Ricky Laxa

Hopeful Project: Free Books about Blogging

A Star in her own right

Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor