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Philippine Professional Organization – Kuwait (PPO-Kuwait)


Philippine Professional Organization Kuwait PPO
The dream began in early 2013 when a vision was transformed into reality. As part of the different professional organization strategies in curbing the nation’s economy and improving work performance, the Filipino professional organization in Kuwait in cooperation with the Philippine Embassy Kuwait and Professional Regulation Commission sought the establishment of the Philippine Professional Organization Kuwait.


PPO  envisioned to produce globally competitive  Overseas Filipino Workers in Kuwait proudly competing in the world market. The organization through the years has been helping the OFW  vigorously to pursue economic growth and development by advancing the Filipino worker’s competitive position both in the local and international markets.

  Being one of the founders of Teachers Specialist Organization in Kuwait TSOK, part of PPO  and an advocate, this organization is created because we want all to give an opportunity to help our fellow kababayans to have a good life in their future. We also want to help their families and their communities. These aims should primarily be accomplished through upgrading the level of employment and education and they can go on to the second step, taking an active role in developing our communities.



August 28, 2013
  • PSME Kuwait Chapter spearheaded by then Chapter President Engr. Ernesto Blanza, PME made an appointment with our own Consul General Raul with the main agenda on hand in uniting all Filipino Professional Organizations in Kuwait by creating Philippine Professional Organization in Kuwait (PPO-Kuwait) & making Kuwait as the Testing Center for SPLBE. In addition, KSE accreditation had been discussed.
September19, 2013
  • Con Gen called for a Filcom leaders meeting which PPO was the main point of discussion
  • It was attended by different FilCom Leaders that incl. PSME Kuwait, PEAK, PICPA Kuwait, Guardian Brotherhood, Triskelion Int’l., FAOK, PANIK, and 7 more organizations
  • The discussion & creation of PPO Kuwait then explained by then PSME Kuwait Chapter VP for Internal affairs Engr. Francisco L. Olpindo III
  • The meeting was adjourned having Pastor Gil Bantugan, CPA (PICPA)as the Interim Chairman and Engr. Francisco Olpindo III (PSME) as the Interim Vice-Chairman of PPO Kuwait while all the Filcom leaders assigned as coordinators.
September 21, 2013
  • Ms. Gracia Amor created the Facebook group page of PPO Kuwait having all the coordinators as admin.


October ’13 to December ‘13
  • PastorGil Bantugan (PICPA) & Engr. Francisco Olpindo III (PSME) regularly had their meeting in the embassy with some of its officers in organization inviting individuals & waiting for another Professional Organization will be formed and come in.
December 6, 2013
  • Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers Kuwait Chapter (PICE-Kuwait) lead by their Elected President Engr. Brian Bachinilla took their oath in Philippine Embassy witnessed by PPO Kuwait Interim Chairman Ptr. Gil Bantugan, CPA (PICPA).


January 16, 2014
  • PPOKuwait 1st Official Meeting was held
  • PSMEKuwait, PICPA Kuwait, PICE Kuwait, TSOK & Representative from Architects was in attendance during the course of the discussion, it has been decided by the five (5) organizations to held at the election of officer for PPO Kuwait for the year 2014.
  •  Elected, President: Ptr. Gil Bantugan, CPA (PICPA), Vice-President Engr.Francisco Olpindo III, ME (PSME), Secretary: Arch. Romeo Rellata (UAP), Treasurer: Engr. Brian Bachinilla, CE (PICE), Auditor: Sir Honesto DoctoleroJr (TSOK)
  • committee chairman, a.) SPLBE – PSME Kuwait, b.)KSE accreditation – PICE Kuwait, c.) Sports –UAP Kuwait, d.) Membership – TSOK


January 29, 2014
  • United Architects of the Philippines Kuwait Chapter (UAP-Kuwait) officially elected their Executive Officers & BOD’s, Arch. Wilmar Jesus Mago Elected as President.


February 3, 2014
  • Pinoy Nurses Association Kuwait Chapter – PNA Kuwait elected their Executive officers & BOD’s, Mr. Hengie Vargas Taton, RN elected as President


February 6, 2014
  • Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers Kuwait Chapter was formed and Elected their Executive Officers headed by their Elected President Engr. Dene S. Horneja, REE
  • PNA Kuwait & IIEE Kuwait Chapter officially welcomed the as the new members of PPO Kuwait
  • Mr.Hengie V. Taton unanimously appointed as Chairman for Committee on Social Affairs
  • Memorandum of Agreement started to discuss.


February 20, 2014
  • PPO-Kuwait MOA had been approved (in principle) unanimously (PSME,PICE, IIEE, UAP,PNA, TSOK), PICPA was absent then and it was presided by Engr. Francisco Olpindo, PPO-Kuwait Vice President.
  • Joint Induction of PPO-Kuwait Officers, UAP-Kuwait & IIEE-Kuwait will be held on March 7, 2014, in Carlton Tower Hotel, Kuwait City at 7:00 PM.

  If you want to stay informed on what’s coming next, Like and share Filipino Professional in Kuwait   and join here  official PPO group  Philippine Professional Organization Kuwait  

MUST ALSO READ AND SHARE         If you like this article please share and love my page Diarynigracia Page Questions, suggestions send me at diarynigracia @ gmail (dot) com





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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor
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