International Women’s Day 2015

Advocacy for OFW is what I have chosen and I am a woman. Happy International Women's Day to all of us!
Advocacy for OFW is what I have chosen and I am a woman. Happy International Women’s Day to all of us!

Since 1911, March 8 has been celebrated as International Women’s Day. Women’s groups all over the world chant for equality and cognizance of women’s rights.

I am and Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) here in the Middle East and I am a woman. Through my work, I am able to see different experiences of women OFWs with regards to family life, work conditions and accommodations, social relationships and most especially, how they see themselves as women.

Not all women OFWs here in Kuwait have achieved the “greener pasture” they hoped for, the moment they decided to work overseas, far and away from family and friends. I have seen many OFW women who turn up at the Philippine Embassy to seek shelter from different kinds of abuses. Others work incognito as house helpers refusing to go home because they need to support their families.

I also had my share of life’s dark tunnel and I am grateful to the Almighty for sending me angels that helped me pass through the dark tunnel. What point am I driving at?

Women, no matter how loving, caring and strong you see us on the outside, deep inside, we also need to be loved, cared for and we need an anchor to keep us steady.

Happy International Women’s Day to all of us, women! God bless.

Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor