Rawan Al Salmiya Ladies Beauty Salon

Rawan Al Salmiya Ladies Beauty Salon.
Rawan Al Salmiya Ladies Beauty Salon.

Madam Farida Al Halimi is the owner / manager of Rawan Al Salmiya Ladies Beauty Salon. Her expertise in beauty culture has made her a favorite among expats here in Kuwait. Her diverse clientele keep coming back  because they are truly satisfied with her skills.

Coming to Rawan Al Salmiya Ladies Beauty Salon makes you feel at home. The staff like their manager, Madam Farida has a ready smile for everyone. You can tell her what hair style you like but if she has something else in mind that will make you look better, you can trust her. I always do.

Rawan Al Salmiya Ladies Beauty Salon is located at Alkansa Street 3, Block 5, Building 25, Salmiya, Al Asimah with phone number +965 2571 9194.


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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor

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