Philippine Embassy in Kuwait celebrates Rizal Day 2015

Philippine Embassy in Kuwait Rial Day celebration 2015.
Philippine Embassy in Kuwait’s Rizal Day celebration 2015.


We all know that December 30, 1896 was the day of Dr. Jose Rizal’s martyrdom at Bagumbayan. He is considered the Philippines’ national hero because he was able to start a revolution against the colonizers thru his books Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo that eventually led to the uprising of other prominent people in Philippine history.

Here in Kuwait, a breakfast reception was held to honor Dr. Jose Rizal and his significant contribution to Philippine history. His Excellency Ambassador Renato P.O. Villa and Consul General Atty. Raul H. Dado together with key persons from the Filipino community gave their speeches that inspired guests like myself.

Their speeches conveyed important points that inspire the audience.
Their speeches conveyed important points that inspire the audience.


Thankful for being invited to the occasion.
Thankful for being invited to the occasion.



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Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor